Chapter 78: BloodCrawler

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Narrator: A few minutes later, in the ski equipped pickup truck, Neon signs.

Neon: I should have just used only the nanobots explosion at that time, now that guy must definitely be strong if he was the one sent to eliminate me... speaking of nanobots... i can no longer use my War Protogen abilities-

Unknown: Mister?

Narrator: Neon was startled by that sudden sound and accidentally swerved left, he quickly swerved back on the route and looked back, the red NightCrawler was awake, a bit of confusion on his face, he had red eyes.

Neon: Oh hello sleeping beauty, how are you feeling?

Red NightCrawler: I feel- *coughs out lime green blood*

Narrator: Neon immediately stops the pickup truck and rushes to the trunk.

Neon: It's okay, just breathe and ignore the pain.

Shit. He has cancer too, I can't help him because I can't use my tools anymore.

Narrator: The red NightCrawler shiveres a little.

Neon: He is a goo type, all this fur on him is just fur shaped goo, his goo does keep him warm, but Antarctica is too cold for him, only fur type furries can sustain such temperature.

Narrator: Neon takes off his cloak and puts it on the red NightCrawler, he continues to shiver. Neon hesitates, before sitting down and pulling the red NightCrawler towards him, letting him sit on his lap and hugging him with his fluffy arm.

Red NightCrawler: It's so warm...

Neon: ...Yea...

He reminds me of Tom so much... I already love him...

What's your name?

Red NightCrawler: ...its... Ruby Smith... mommy... Lisa named me that.

Neon: Lisa must have taken care of him during his containment.

That's a nice name.

Ruby(Red NightCrawler): Where is mom now?

Neon: ... mom is... in a better place now... watching you... in here.

Narrator: Neon points to his heart, Ruby puts his hand on his heart, an expression of happiness on his face.

Neon: Sooooo... will you tell me your backstory?

Ruby: ...i... don't remember clearly how I was born... I just woke up 2 years ago in a chamber. The humans immediately cuffed me up and threw me into a containment. I was so confused at that time... I didn't know what was going on...I met Lisa later that day... I learned from her that my kind is hated for... how we look, and the fact that we are different from humans... that's why the humans treated me so harshly... they thought I was evil... judging me just like how they judged other furries for their species and look...

Lisa visited me after all my experiments when the other scientists were on break. She would comfort me after my traumatic experiments and sometimes bring me food... I developed cancer a year ago... Lisa couldn't do anything, she tried to use many types of medicine on me... but all failed...

The humans called me BloodCrawler... I overheard their conversation that I was an improved clone of a NightCrawler... more aggressive... more dangerous... more powerful... but don't want to be all that... I just... want to live a good life...

Narrator: Neon pulls Ruby closer to him, Ruby looks up at Neon, Neon sees that Ruby has cute red eyes, filled with youth and curiosity.

Ruby boops Neon in his visor, Neon boops back gently. Neon takes out the broken NightCrawler goggles in his chest compartment.

Neon: This belonged to someone I loved...he told me that each lens has a meaning, the purple lens on the right represents care, the left represents strength, and the top one... it represents protection...

Ruby: The top one is broken...

Neon: Yea... I guess it represents... how i could not protect them...

I added the three dots on the FRO flag to represent the same things... but what if one day... all will be lost again?

But, I won't let some lenses stop me.

Narrator: Neon hugs Ruby tightly, Ruby hugs back.

Neon: My name... is Neon, I will protect you, promise.

Narrator: Ruby hugs back, happy.

Neon: ... I still hesitate when I say my name... this name "Kenji" always pops up... who is Kenji?

Basically NightCrawler but red stripe and fluffy :>

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Basically NightCrawler but red stripe and fluffy :>

He is such a cutie :3

Furry Tales • Tale 1 • Tears & BloodWhere stories live. Discover now