Chapter 35: Death Can Be So Sudden

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Narrator: 2.30pm

It's duty time. Tom, Kenji and Kaito were on duty this time.

Kenji: Hey Kaito time to go- Panther! What are you doing to him?

Narrator: Panther and Kaito looks up from the corner of the room. Kaito was sitting on Panther's crossed legs, wearing a thin red jacket, wagging his otter tail happily with a smile on his face as Panther slowly put a blue and green hat on him.

Panther: I thought he needed a little drip.

Kenji: That doesn't look drippy tho.

Panther: He still looks good >:(

Kenji: Ok ok, come Kaito, it's duty time~

Panther: Take a photo and add it to your photo book.

Kenji: Sure.

Narrator: Kenji lifts up his left hand, his left palm suddenly ripped apart, a camera lens emerges from the left palm.

Kenji: Alright look at the hand camera, flash warning!

Narrator: Kaito holds Panther's hand and smiles, Panther smiles a little and looks at the camera. The camera shutter sound was heard and a flash of light was produced. The hand camera retreats back into Kenji's hand. 

Kenji opens his visor mouth, a piece of photo suddenly drops out from his mouth like a paper when you drop it from the air. Kenji catches the photo gently to not crumple it before it touches the ground, he looks at it with satisfaction, before taking out his small photo book and placing the photo in it. 

Kenji puts the small photo book back in his chest compartment.

Kenji: Alright then! Let's go!

Narrator: Kaito gets up and heads to Tom. Kenji turns around and heads to Tom too, but at the corner of his eye, he sees Hazzy making a worried expression.

Kenji: Everything good Hazzy?

Hazzy: Umm- Oh! Sry, did I pull a long face? Everything is fine.

Narrator: Hazzy tried to force a smile, Kenji shrugged and left with Tom and Kaito.

Hazzy: ...

Today is the day it will happen...

Narrator: 2.35pm, at Yonchome.

Kaito: What's that giant crater?

Kenji: Side eyeing Tom and trying not to laugh* That was done by a certain somebody...

Tom: Also side eyeing Kenji with his goggles on* And that somebody is very handsome...

Narrator: Kaito turns around to see Tom and Kenji side eyeing each other and trying not to laugh.

Kaito: Let's just get the food.

Narrator: Tom takes out 3 trash bags and hands Kenji and Kaito one.

Tom: I'll go that way and you two go there. We meet here after filling up our bags, the "meet up point".

Kaito and Kenji: Ok!

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