Chapter 88: Escape Plan

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Narrator: 5 minutes later, 10.35am, at the Crystal Cave, Sinox had recovered, Glitch gently places down Syncro's body and other high tech knife on the gooey floor(Syncro had two of those, one of them was destroyed by Glitch earlier), some tentacles form and gently wrap around Syncro's body, before slowly pulling him down the floor, leaving only his cybernetic parts.

Carneline: This floor is practically alive, it takes anything dead to feed itself and give nutrients to the crystals.

Narrator: The crystals glow more brightly, some small red crystals sprout out from where Syncro's body was. Glitch picks up Syncro's visor, touching it with his visor.

Glitch: See you soon, Syncro.

Narrator: Glitch puts the visor down neatly near the red crystals, before getting up and walking back to the main room, everyone else follows, Mochi looks back at the visor, a memory of Caramel's head flashes in his sight, he quickly look away, crying a little.

Glitch: Hey, you okay?

Mochi: I'm fine, it's just... memories.

Narrator: Glitch holds out his hands, Mochi holds Glitch's hands.

Glitch: Everything will be fine, we will all escape in one piece.

Mochi: Smiling a little* Yea... we will escape together. Btw Sinox, what was just now?

Sinox: That's my Guro Noryoku, I'm not really sure what it does.

Tom: I do, Supido Zappu allows its user to move at a very high speed, that's why it seems like Sinox's hand was teleporting, it also allows the user to create electric ball that can burst like bombs, base on the ball size, you are halfway through it's mastery, eventually, when fully mastered, you can throw the ball like a grenade.

Sinox: Cool... Mochi, do you have a Guro Noryoku?

Mochi: I do, it's called Kohi Dorippu, my beans can become liquid and drip a mochi ball of coffee which others and I can consume to give some boost in energy. Unfortunately, I haven't completely mastered it, and I don't like the taste of coffee :(

Tom: That's a good booster Guro Noryoku.

Narrator: Everyone reaches the main room, where unconscious Catte, unconscious Claw and the reddish orange anthro fox was resting at, wait, where is that anthro fox?

Lance: Guys, where is that cat guy?

Hazzy: Pretty sure he is a fox.

Narrator: Tom walks out the room, he spots the reddish-orange fox walking down the hallway, eating a pink apple looking fruit and looking at a small neon blue crystal-like spike on his hand, the blue crystal belongs to a Kaiju.

Tom: Guys! He is here, I think he was exploring the lab.

Narrator: They brought him back in, his name was Trystan.

Here is a link to show how Trystan looks:

Poor boy got removed from the game :(

Tom: Are you alright? Hurt anywhere?

Narrator: Trystan shakes his head, he has green eyes. Tom puts his hand on Trystan's chest, before gently brushing his fur aside, revealing a big scar that went from his left shoulder to his right hip.

Tom: Ouch, that looks like it hurts.

He has a scar... purple liquid... Leo told me about that before... Saisei O Teishi... he has spent too much time in it... he has completely lost the ability to regenerate and limb reattachment and his healing speed is that of an average human.

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