Chapter 63: Multiversal Portal

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Narrator: 7 minutes later, 6.25pm, at Eagles Nest Furry Experimental Lab.

The 2 guards saw a figure approaching from a distance, it was too dark to see.

The 2 guards aim their gun at the figure.

Guard: Show us some ID! No unauthorised person allowed.

Narrator: The figure suddenly went on all fours, he suddenly disappeared.

Guard: Hey! Where did he-

Narrator: The figure, or Neon, appears out of nowhere in front of the guard, kicking him in the jaw upwards, shattering his skull and causing him to fly upwards. Neon has used Chita Supido to close up the distance undetected.

The second guard points his gun at Neon.

Guard 2: HANDS UP NOW!

Narrator: Neon puts his hands up, turning to face the second guard slowly, Neon suddenly points upwards.

The second guard looks upwards, only to see his buddy guard falling towards him, inches away. With not enough reaction time, his buddy guard lands on his face, hitting him to the ground heavily and making him fall unconscious.

Neon: They actually rebuilt the whole lab? Nevertheless, that won't be a problem.

Narrator: Neon walks in the lab, the scientists upon seeing Neon quickly run away, screaming in fright. Eventually the hallway was empty with some papers scattered on the floor.

Neon: Just like last time.

Narrator: Neon walks down the hallway, takes a left, then a right, then approaches the lever that has a sign above it that reads "pull to open all containment".

Neon pulled it down, there was a sound of iron doors opening.

Neon: Now I just have to look for Lemon.

Narrator:Neon turns around and takes a left, then another, then another. Neon stops walking.

Neon: ...I've turned left 3 times... that means I made a loop... but in front of me only allows me to turn left again......

I've been trapped.

Narrator: Neon walks for a few rounds, before taking out his blocker from his chest compartment and placing it on the ground. He continues walking to make a loop, only to see that his blocker is gone.

Neon: Did someone take it? Or is it because I am not walking on the same floor... 

could it be a multiversal portal?... 

at one of the corners, there could be an invisible portal that brings me to another universe that has this room... since the multiverse is infinite... I'll loop around this endlessly.

Narrator: Neon unsheathed his katana and poke a small hole in the wall, he peeks out of it, there are alien-like creatures walking around outside wearing lab coat, the background looks like a lab.

Neon: These creatures must be the humans of this universe....... I wonder... if I walk backwards the other way... I could go back to my universe... assuming that the portal doesn't change where it sends me.

Narrator: Neon walks the other way, after 1 loop, he spots his blocker on the floor, the hole that he poked with his katana wasn't there anymore.

Neon: So I was right.

Narrator: Neon picks up his blocker and continues walking, until he finally sees the lever. Neon approaches the lever.

Neon: Let's see, how do I break the loop?

Narrator: Neon stood there for a while, before grabbing the lever and pushing it up, nothing happened. Neon turns around, walks forward and looks down the passage, the lab is visible.

Neon: I understand now... pulling the lever down unlocks all containment, but also activates the multiverse portal trap. 

Pushing up the lever however only deactivates the portal and does not close the containments.

This must be the work of Akuma...He already achieved multiversal travel? But how...

Narrator: Neon walks out of the passage, he turns his head to the left and spots some young 10 year old furries walking down the hallway slowly, a bit scared.

Neon: Welp, looks like a gotta take care of a bunch of furries now.

Narrator: Neon waves to catch the young furries' attention.

The furries see Neon and walk a little faster.

Neon: Hey! Are you guys okay?

Narrator: The young Furries nod.

Neon: Have you guys seen a diamond puppy somewhere?

Narrator: Lemon suddenly appears within the crowd of young furries and jumps on Neon's head happily. 

Neon: Lemon! You're okay!!

Narrator: Neon pats Lemon, before standing up and counting the young furries.

Neon: Only 20? Are you guys the only ones?

Narrator: The young Furries nod.

Neon: Oh no... 

more War Protogens.

Ya know I love to give Easter Eggs, so what is happening here? 🤔

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Ya know I love to give Easter Eggs, so what is happening here? 🤔

Will aliens be involved🤯

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