Chapter 66: At Sea

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Narrator: 3 minutes later, 6.40pm, In a car, 2 furry hunters are looking for the 5 cars that Jaakuna said about.

Furry Hunter: Come on damn it! Where are those 5 cars?? I need my money! What are the War Protogens acting so wild?? And why are all the lights off?? Why is the car all shaky like this?

Furry Hunter 2: Maybe it was an emp, the fact that it can still damage this heavily shielded car is surprising, and relax dude, we will find them, maybe.

Furry Hunter: Maybe? Now you are just giving me low hope! And for fck sake KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!!!

Narrator: Furry Hunter 2 swerves to the right, nearly crashing into a car.

Furry Hunter 2: My bad bro.

Furry Hunter: One day I'm going to die because of your shit ass driving, and slow down a little, we are going to crash into that truck.

Narrator: No reply, the car speed becomes faster steadily.

Furry Hunter: Hey! I said slow down- *turns to look at his partner*

Narrator: Furry Hunter was met with a sight of his friend's corpse with a butcher knife in his head, an expression of horror on his face.

Furry Hunter: Shocked* BUDDY???

Narrator: Furry Hunter looks at the accelerator, it has multiple bricks on it, the brake pedal was gone.

Furry Hunter looks up in horror as the car speeds up closer and closer to the truck, he tries to take out the bricks, but too late, the car smashes straight into the truck, squashing him and splattering blood on the truck.

Neon, on a house roof, watches it crash, Lemon watches while on his head.

Neon: That's all the pursuers.

Narrator: Neon stood up and activates Chita Supido, his beans glowing, he runs to Foreshore harbour on all fours.

1 minutes later, 6.41pm, Foreshore harbour Neon appears in sight all of a sudden, scaring the young furries.

Neon: New record! I can finally use Chita Supido for a full minute without running out of energy!

Civet Furry: Mister! You scared us!

Neon: Oops, so sorry, is everyone alright?

Narrator: 5 fingers appear and slithered towards Neon, Neon picks them up and attaches them on his hand, it was his finger. Neon realises that his fingers were covered in blood.

Neon: Let me guess, my fingers murdered the couple of guards guarding the boat?

Narrator: The 5 years old white & grey civet furry nods.

Civet Furry: You didn't tell us that you were going to make us crash through walls and split up!

Neon: My fingers did those?? These little guys have a mind of their own, rather hardcore one, I'm glad nobody died tho, splitting you guys up is probably why the pursuers didn't find you guys, and crashing through walls is probably why you guys made it here so fast. Come, let's get on the boat.

Narrator: Neon and the young furries walked towards a boat and got on it, it was big enough to fit everyone without feeling too crowded.

Neon: This must be the Super Speed Boat, and it's still functional even after that powerful emp! The human must have shielded it extremely well, and I'm still functional too even after being that close to an emp...why tho...

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