Chapter 19: Bullies.

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Narrator: 2 minutes ago, 1.28pm

Fin was in the water watching the fishes swim above him, his burn scar already healed. 

Fin tries to grab one of the fish but they swam away. Fin swims to the surface and lie on his back, allowing him to float and see the blue sky with seagulls flying above him.

Fin:  ...what are these memories? 

I keep getting random flickers of them......... who are these people...

who is Asher...... Stripe......

Narrator: Suddenly, a net falls onto him. Fin was startled, he immediately swam downwards, but the net has completely surrounded him. Fin tries swimming away from the shore with all his might, kicking and swinging his arms and pushing the net, but eventually, he ran out of energy and was dragged onto shore.

On shore, he sees 5 humans with furry hunter flags and masks untying him from the net, a evil smile on their face. One of the 5 humans looks 17 and has a jacket on him, their boss. When they finish untangling Fin, he makes a run for it, but is immediately pinned down on the legs and arms.

Furry Hunter 1: What shall we do with this shark?

Boss: Cut off his fins, each can give us at least ¥1500 000, we'll be rich boys.

Narrator: Boss looks at Fin's scared expression, a evil smile appear on his face.

Boss: I guess we'll have fun a little.

Narrator: Two furry hunters pinning Fin's hand picks his up and holds him kneeling down, Fin tries to move, but he couldn't, their hold was too powerful.

Fin: What are they doing??

Narrator: The other 2 furry hunters got up and surrounded Fin.

Boss: It's time to beat this shark up.

Narrator: Boss suddenly kicks Fin in the face, kicking a tooth out. Fin coughs out Cadet Blue blood as the other 2 furry hunters kicked him in his belly, hand, face and neck. Fin starts to get serious bruises across his body as blood flows down his mouth and wounds.

Boss signals for the two furry hunters holding Fin's legs to cut off his fins.

Fin squirms and whimpers, trying to break out of the grip of the 2 furry hunters who was holding him down. He watches in horror as the sharp knife approaches his fins. Without warning, the fins on his elbow was cut clean off, Fin screams in pain as Cadet Blue blood drips down from the wound, next was the one on his back hip, then the one on his tail, Fin screamed in pain the entire time.

Boss: Stop screaming already!!

Narrator: Boss suddenly kicked Fin in the face so powerfully that he flew out of the 2 furry hunter's strong grip and crash on the ground on his back. Boss runs up to Fin and kicks his head again, sending him flying and landing on his belly. Fin tries to get up weakly but vomits out some blood, Boss steps on his head, burying it into the ground.

Boss: That's enough fun for today. Put him in our truck! We can make more money by selling him-

Narrator: Boss was suddenly punched in the face by a spiky object, cracking his skull and sending him flying towards the truck, destroying it in the process and making a medium sized crater.

The other 4 furry hunters immediately looked at where their boss was at. But there was no sign of the puncher, and Fin wasn't at where he was at, just some Cadet Blue blood left on the spot.

The 4 furry hunters picked up the fins they cut off Fin and run towards the truck. Kenji from under the water, watches the furry hunter rush to their boss, while holding Fin, who is also under the water, crying.

The furry hunters finally leave, Kenji pulls Fin out the water.

Kenji: I'm so glad that it is easy to master Chita Supido...... if I didn't master it... Fin would have been sold away by now as I continue running without Chita Supido here...... who know what unholy stuff they may even use Fin for...

Narrator: Kenji looks at Fin, who is still crying.

Kenji then noticed that Fin's fins were gone, only the two fins at the tip of his tail were still there.

Kenji kneels down beside him and pats his head.

Kenji: It'll be alright, the bullies are gone now... your fin will grow back... 


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