A Little Sneak Peak...

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Ya, I know, I said "The End" like, 2 times already and said goodbye to y'all like last chapter, but I thought I should give you a little sneak peak into Tale 2 👀 

Tale 2 Sneak Peak:

Otis: Hey, it's Otis here, Log number... 2595? 2594? I forgot...

Anyways, so today, 15 March 2073, another Floating Island, the Floating Island of Rome, got vaporised too...

So far we have managed to take down 2 out of 7 of the Globe Wanderers, no thanks to those... What are they called again? Oh yea, The Defenders.

The only thing they are defending is their pride really, everytime we try to help them from preventing their Floating Island from getting vaporised, they would think we are trying to vaporise them too, they were Furry Hunters and Anti-Furries after all, they would always stay the same, arrogant, stupid.

Anyways, now I'm just hiding in a vent of a skyscraper on the Floating Island of Australia. Well, at least, only Queensland, Victoria and South New Wales parts, the other parts got vaporised by the Globe Wanderer.

Now I am in a skyscraper in Sunshine Coast, near the very same place where I almost died, and the place that Ruby made a giant crater at, they have rebuilt the city in the crater itself.

Well for the world's state, things had changed a lot in the 7 years, there are now many, MANY, HUGE craters on the surface, more than 90 countries have been vapourized off the face of the Earth, almost all surviving land have become Floating Island with the help of human tech to escape the Globe Wanderers, man are they huge.

Strangely, all the furries including me have a pink flower on their body that seems to be part of their body now, like an organ, it seems to be reactive to the Global Wanderers... for me, it was on my chest right in front of my heart... It was tough enough to protect me from a vaporising explosion...

Things have been really weird really, the human's tech keeps advancing very fast, more Floating Islands fall to the Globe Wanderers, many people keep dying... everyday, I worry about my friends not with me right now, wondering if they survived that incident 7 years ago, during the start of this... apocalypse.

You might be wondering... how did this all happen? Well... it all started around 8 years ago...

Alright, my last and final Goodbye👋 

See ya fellas.

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