Chapter 89: Disband

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Narrator: 5 minutes later, 10.40 am, far outside Mount Kumotori Laminax lab entrance.

Team B Captain: Oi Colby! This the lab?

Narrator: 28 years old Colby Matalon was Team A Captain during this time, Team S didn't exist yet.

Colby: Yep, get your weapons out.


Colby takes out his sniper, all the other Captains and Anti-Furries take out their weapon too.

Anti-Furry: Captain! A Furry is approaching!

Narrator: Colby aimed his sniper at the lab, Goo was walking towards them slowly.

Colby: Hmmm... a golden-


Team C Captain: BOY WE BOUT TO BE RICH!!

Narrator: Everyone starts running to the lab greedily, only Colby stood his ground.

Colby: sign* We are supposed to surround the mountain...

Narrator: Colby fires the shot, Goo suddenly dodges to the right and avoids the headshot, before turning around and running full speed back into the lab. Colby fires another shot, Goo gets shot in the left leg, but continues running, limping a little.

Colby: Well that one is certainly strong, I managed to hit him in the vital spot on his right leg and yet he still could run like that.

The shot that was aimed at his head earlier... it missed...looks my ability only works at the range of only 20m, the leg hit was a lucky shot. I'll those idiots chase him, someone has to guard the lab from the outside anyways.

Narrator: Goo's pov, he jumps through the window and runs down the hallway, all the Anti-Furry jumps in the window too, because Goo was limping a little, the Anti-Furry's managed to catch up. Goo run towards the centre for a while, dodging the bullets fired, he suddenly takes a sharp left before jumping in a large hole broken in the ground leading to the part of the lab under the mountain, falling alllll the way down before landing on a bunch of pillow, he was in the main hall, all the Anti-Furry follows and jumps down beside Goo, kneeling beside him. Goo was breathing heavily now, blood flowing out of the bullet wound on his right leg.

Team B Captain: Smiling creepily* Nowhere to run...

Goo: weakly* Good, exactly where I wanted.

Narrator: Goo suddenly raised his hand and pressed the fire alarm conveniently right beside him, a loud ring could be heard everywhere in the lab.

Goo: weakly* The escalators are all busted, good luck getting out of here, douchebags.

Narrator: Team B Captain takes out a gun angrily.

Goo: ... I guess... This is the end for me... everyone, escape for me alright?... I'm sorry...Trystan... Claw...

Narrator: Meanwhile, above the hole, a few seconds earlier, the fire alarm rings, shortly after, one gunshot. The vent on the ceiling suddenly burst open, out came all the other Gootrax Clan members, gathering around the hole.

Tom: The fire alarm, that's the signal. Right here, right now, the Gootrax Clan.......... Is disbanded.


Narrator: All 6 teams split up and ran in different directions, looking at each other one, last, time...

Narrator: All 6 teams split up and ran in different directions, looking at each other one, last, time

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