Chapter 86: Protogen

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Narrator: 1 hour later, 10am, at the reception desk, Mochi was sitting on a coach with Strawberry, blushing a little and looking away.

Strawberry: Soooooo, what do you wanna talk about?

Mochi: Well... I uhh, i...

Narrator: Mochi took a glance at Shade, Cone and Jammer who were hiding behind a door, they did a thumbs up sign to boost Mochi's confidence.

Mochi cleared his throat.

Mochi: Strawberry, i... want to express my true emotion for you... I found you interesting... and I kinda... well... I-

Narrator: Strawberry suddenly brings her finger in front of Mochi's mouth, like shushing him.


Don't make it hard for yourself, I'll say first then ;)

I love you Mochi.

Narrator: Mochi hesitates, then takes Strawberry's hand gently, holding it romantically(romantic music starts playing XD).

Mochi: I... L-... Lo-

Narrator: Something moved at the corner of Mochi and Strawberry's eye, they both looked at where it came from.

Mochi: Did you see that?

Strawberry: Yes... what's that?

Narrator: Mochi stood up first and walks towards the door, Strawberry follows, the automatic door opens, Mochi looks around in the room, there were 3 broken elevator that leads to the underground and surface(the lab is underground in the mountain), the elevator at the right had a hole in the floor of it and had some white gooey puddle trail, Mochi looks at the trail and follows it with his eyes, before his eyes reach the corner of the room directly right of him, there was a 22 year old white fur looking Protogen, unconscious and slumping down on the wall, a 7 years old reddish orange anthro fox furry with white underbelly and muzzle and white tail tip was in the Protogen's arms, unconscious.

Mochi slowly walks up to the Protogen, he has metal thighs and a visor made of nanites, the expresser beside his head was square with no hologram plate, his leg was bent like a kangaroo leg just slightly.

Mochi: Go call Tom.

Narrator: Strawberry nods and rushes out, grabbing Jammer, Shade and Cone in the process.

The Protogen's visor suddenly flickers to life, he makes a blue expression of pain on his visor and twitches a little in pain, Mochi backs away.

Protogen: Ow... it hurts...

Narrator: The Protogen shuts down again.

Tom, Panther, Carneline, Tear, Hazzy, Jammer, Shade, Sinox, Cone and Strawberry appear at the door and kneel down in front of the Protogen.

Jammer: I used my sound ability to call Tom without going towards him as he was in range of my ability.

Mochi: Tom... what is he?

Tom: I don't know... let's bring him to somewhere more comfortable.

Narrator: All 11 use their strength to carry the Protogen and the anthro fox out of the room and into the room Sinox sleeps in, putting the Protogen on a red sofa.

Tom: He almost seems... robotic...

Hazzy: He looks like Neo- I mean... nothing.

Sinox: He is a robot... that means... charger... is there a charger here?

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