Chapter 37: Inevitable Deaths

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Narrator: 5.15pm, outside of Mount Fuji lab.

Kenji had picked up Colby scent earlier, but it seems like Colby had left by a helicopter before Kenji arrived at the foot of Mount Fuji.

Kenji: Darn it... I couldn't get him.

Pebble: Get who?

Kenji: Oh uh nothing~

...last time, when I thought about Colby, I kept having bad thoughts...... but now that I have met Pebble and the other cuties... I still feel neutral after thinking about Colby.... Well they say that cute animals are the key to feeling positive.

Narrator: Kenji gently pets Pebble, she purrs a little in response.

Kenji and the rest headed down the mountain, slowly and carefully. Halfway down the mountain, they found a working abandoned truck.

Kenji: 1, 2, 3...6, 7, 8, should be enough to fit all of us. 

So less of them...... Pebble said that her parents were taken away... most likely for War Protogen Transformation...... Colby most likely knew I was going to arrive here and ordered more War Protogens to be made to fight me......

So almost all the furries were transformed into War Protogens...

So that means... I murdered... all those innocent-

No no no... don't think about that......... It was the same like when I fought Fin...... I willingly killed them despite being in Controlled Rage Mode... because I only felt rage...


Narrator: Kenji gently pets Pebble again, Pebble purrs again happily. A slight happy smile appears on Kenji's visor.

Kenji: They're so damn cute... I feel so happy when I pet her...

Alright, get on. The 7 of you at the back hold on tight!

Narrator: Kenji drove the truck down the mountain and back home.

6pm, near Tokage Clan's house.

Kenji: Alright, you guys stay here, I'll check if the coast is clear.

Narrator: Kenji raises up his hands and walks out of the bush he was hiding at, slowly. Nothing happens, Kenji quickly walks over to the house.

Kenji: Fin? Didn't I tell him to kill anyone that looks like me- oh...

Narrator: Upon getting close enough, Kenji realises that the house has been blasted to smithereens, a medium size crater.

Kenji: Oh no... oh no no no no...

Narrator: Kenji runs down the crater, he spots Tear and Panther and Kaito.

Kenji: GUYS!!

Narrator: Upon closer inspection, all 3 were already...dead... 

Tear and Kaito were both sitting on Panther's lap, smiling and crying a little with their eyes closed, Tear had 3 bullet holes in his heart, Kaito had a giant stab wound on his heart.

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