Chapter 107: Team Wipe

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Narrator: Present time, 1.08pm, all the holes on Neon's body have healed, there was the constant sound of gunfire as Otis shoots down all the drones trying to attack the group jumping Donovan.

Bean: Soooo that's basically all that happened.

Narrator: Candeline appears beside Neon.

Candeline: Bean, let me talk to Neon for a while.

Narrator: Bean nods, gives Neon back his katana and rushes off to join the jumping of the century, wacking Donovan's head with his red pipe wrench(insert metal pipe sound). Candeline sits down beside Neon and signs, he sheaths his katana covered with purple blood.

Candeline: Hey...thanks for making Mochi smile again...



When I first took in Mochi, I saw him as my son. I still do, despite our age difference, I rarely see him smile, it hurts my heart seeing him so gloomy, then you fought with him and know... he is so happy, not happy-angry or happy-high...but happy joyful... he finally smiled...i want to thank you, Neon, his smile reminded me so much of my sister, Carneline.

Narrator: Neon looks at Candeline, a memory of Tom flash in his mind.

Neon: ...Despite the age difference... Tom treated me like his son... and I treated him like my father... we are the same...

(Tom is only a year older than Neon)

Narrator: Candeline stands up and puts his hand forward, wanting Neon to grab it.

Candeline: Come, buddy, let's kill that son of a bitch.

Narrator: Neon grabs Candeline's hand and allows him to pull him up, they both look at Donovan, who was getting jumped.

Candeline: Teamwork makes the dream work, doesn't it?

Narrator: Neon nods. Both kicks the ground and rushes up to Donovan, Candeline appears upside down in front of Donovan, swinging his katana, Donovan blocks the blade, but gets hit in the face by Neon's fist, sending him flying backwards and straight into the crater wall.

Birch: Finally, let's start going aggressive shall we?

Bean: What do you think I have been doing all this time?

Narrator: Donovan gets up angrily.

Donovan: DIENUE KOPI!!

Narrator: The pattern that Bean has on her back appears on Donovan's back, it was purple in colour.

Donovan: Stupid cat! You shouldn't have kicked me!

Bean: Judging from the fact that you didn't use Hakai Ken on any of us, I can safely say that you wouldn't not easily be able to use my ability.

Narrator: Donovan twitches with anger, whenever a Haiburiddo copies a furry's DNA and gets his/her Guro Noryoku, their mastery of the ability always starts at 0.

Donovan plucks out a handful of his fur anyways, he uses Femuboi Poru and makes a handful of kunai length poles that are a gradient of ocean blue to white to light blue.


Narrator: Donovan throws the short poles like a kunai, Lance, Sinox, Bean, Birch, Candeline and Neon merely hits away the poles, Donovan quickly rushes up to Neon, picks up his scythe on the ground and aims to pierce through his chin. Donovan's elbow suddenly gets shot into non-existence by Otis's sharp shooting skills.

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