Chapter 32: Sandpaper Power

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Narrator: 12.05pm

Kenji: Ow... my head hurts...

Catte: Told you not to get your clothes wet.

Narrator: Tom had already gone to Mount Fuji.

Catte opens the tip of her special walking stick, taking out one of Lemon's blob and dropping it onto Kenji's head, the smol bump flattens and Kenji's head turns back to normal.

Catte opens the tip of her special walking stick, taking out one of Lemon's blob and dropping it onto Kenji's head, the smol bump flattens and Kenji's head turns back to normal

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Catte didn't look any different except being taller.

Kenji was looking at a small photo book slightly bigger than the size of his palm, it was red with the word "Memories" written on it as a title, the name "Kenji" written at where the name is supposed to go to.

Catte: Is that the photo book that we found in the trash?

Kenji: Yes, it's also where I placed all the photos that we took 3 years ago.

Narrator: Kenji opens the small photo book, the first page was Tear and Hazzy beside each other, showing their paw beans and smiling with their eyes closed.

The second page was Panther and Carneline together. Panther was blushing a little, looking away from Carneline and Carneline had a big happy grin with her eyes closed while her left paw was rubbing Panther's head.

The third photo was moody Fin, a salmon's tail hanging from his mouth. Fin was doing a cheese sign with his right hand without smiling.

The fourth photo shows Lemon coming out from Catte's bucket on her head and Catte smiling with one of her eyes closed.

The fifth photo shows Claw showing off while upside down in the air.

The sixth photo shows Fluffy biting a rubber ball.

There were many other photos of the Tokage Clan's members, Kenji flipped through each one slowly. He reached the last photo, it was him and Tom together. Tom was doing the cheese sign with his eyes closed because of the flash from the camera and Kenji just smiling while showing his left paw.

Kenji: Smiling a little* reminds me of 3 years ago.

Narrator: Claw suddenly flew in from the opened skylight Tom installed on the roof with Hazzy on his back.

Kenji closed the small photo book and put it in the compartment on the right of his metal chest.

Claw and Hazzy didn't change much too, Claw grew strong enough to carry 2 person on his back.

Hazzy and Claw look intact, but they have blood everywhere on their body, human blood.

Claw: The Anti-Furries are getting closer and closer, it seems like they have assigned a new captain for Team E, quite weak tho. Pretty soon they are going to find this house.

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