Chapter 53: Bath & Talk

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Narrator: Thanks to Neon, the Ghost Clan finally completely annihilated the Ghost Busters.

16 minutes later, 7.30am, near a big hot spring somewhere in Rowallan Park Forest.

Almost the entire Ghost Clan was there, some bathing in the hot spring to wash off the human blood on them and relax a bit after the fight, some playing around and splashing water at each other.

Neon and the rest were bathing there too. Berry, Lemon and Kaito were playing around, splashing water at each other, Indy was sitting on Rusty's antlers, which regenerated back. Neon, Rusty And Acorn were sitting next to each other, enjoying the hot spring.

Neon: I didn't know you guys got a hot spring here.

Acorn: I think it was a natural hot spring, it feel so warm...

Narrator: Rusty nods his head in agreement, nearly shaking Indy off his antlers.

Neon: Btw, the thing that Kaito did earlier, stabbing people with his claw while Teza Ken is activated, did you teach him that?

Acorn: Yep, my parents invented the technique and taught me that, i taught the entire clan how to use it in case of self defence.

Neon: Who is the clan leader btw?

Acorn: Me.

Neon: You?

Acorn: Yep.

Neon: Cool. Do you guys have the special ability to allow things to pass through you like you were an actual ghost?

Acorn: Yes we do, but we don't use it often as we wouldn't be able to hold onto our weapon or anything else, and if not mastered, we could easily fall into the ground and end up in a cave.

Neon: Nice.

Narrator: Neon looks at the beautiful big trees in the horizon, sighing a little.

Kaito swims up to Neon, he notices that Neon was staring into space, as if thinking about something.

Kaito: Are you still thinking about Carneline?

Narrator: Neon snaps back to reality.

Neon: No no it's just... 


yea... I was thinking about Carneline, and how I could have saved her...

Narrator: Kaito shifts closer to Neon and hugs him, coiling his two tails around Neon's two tails.

Kaito: Stop thinking about it okay? The more you think about it, the more negative you will feel... just try to forget it completely... I'm sure Carneline wouldn't want you like this.

Narrator: Neon didn't react for a few seconds, before petting Kaito, smiling just a little.

Neon: Thanks Kaito... I feel better now...

Kaito: I'm glad you do...

Acorn: what do you think about joining the Ghost Clan? We could really use someone like you... strong... experienced... you know what I mean...

Neon: ...well......... thanks for the offer first of all...... but I don't think I'll be joining any clan anytime soon.

......I've already lived a life of my liking in my old clan......... now... I want to explore the wild, find wonders in the unknown... 

besides...... I have my own goal too...... ending my journey here isn't going to help achieve my goal......

And you're strong, Acorn. You too, Rusty. Even without me, I doubt you will struggle to keep this clan safe. 

Acorn: Well if that's what you want, then so be it. And thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it ;)

Narrator: Rusty nods in agreement, nearly shaking Indy off his head again. 

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