Chapter 60: Court

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Narrator: Neon open his eyes and sat up quickly, he was in the void again.

Neon: Oh no, oh no no no...

Narrator: Neon sees Tom in the distance, Neon quickly tucks himself into a ball.

Neon: Go away go away go away...

Narrator: Neon hears several distorted yet familiar voices.

Neon: No, please, please... leave me alone...

Narrator: 1 hour later, 7pm.

Neon suddenly open his eyes and looks around in panic, there were some humans on a long brown table, and some humans behind him. Neon realised he was tied very tightly with titanium chains, and he has a muzzle big enough to go around his visor.

Neon: It was the nightmare again...What's going on? Am I at a court

Judge: You are finally awake, Mr Muyashi, welcome to Wynberg Magistrates' Court.

Narrator: Neon was surprised that the judge knew his surname.

Judge: Based on the reports, you were once a human and helped a test subject escape and got transfurred by him, did you not?

Narrator: Neon nods.

Judge: Helping those creatures is illegal, and so is being those creatures, I'll have to send you to your execution.

Neon: And not let me say my point first?

Narrator: Everyone was surprised by how Neon could still talk with a muzzle on.

Neon notices everyone getting surprised.

Neon: What? You guys didn't know I talk through a speaker?

Judge: This is not supposed to happen.

Alright, tell me your point.

Neon: ...........everything was true about what you said...but you missed out a lot. 

That creature that you are talking about, Kiyoshi... he was dying

I accidentally entered his containment and released him from the chains... it could be his perfect chance to kill, eat, or even tear me apart... yet, he didn't do it

He told me everything about the truth of humanity.

Judge: And what is that?  

Neon: "you are scared of what you do not understand". That's what he told me, and he was correct.  

Narrator: Neon looks up at the judge, looking like he bout to roast his ass.

Neon: He was gentle and kind, unlike what you all think

He doesn't like killing, unlike what you all think

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