Chapter 76: We Will Always Be Here

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Narrator: Neon and Lisa walk out the containment room, suddenly, a burst of bullets fly towards them, both immediately run back in the containment cell.

Neon: About 100+ heavily armed security guards.

Lisa: I'll be the decoy, you go get out of here.

Neon: What? No! You will die!!

Lisa: There is no other way!

Neon: No! There must be a way for both of us to get out!

Narrator: Lisa chuckles a little.

Neon: What?

Lisa: You remind me of Tear so much... always caring about me no matter what.

Neon: ...

Lisa: Neon, I understand, you don't want to lose anymore loved ones... but sometimes, losing them is the only way to move on.

Narrator: Neon start to have some flashbacks, about Orange, Hana, Carneline, Kiyoshi, if not for their sacrifice, he wouldn't be here, Kiyoshi, for bringing him to his first rage mode and resulting in his survival, Orange and Hana, for being the one that gets shot instead of him, and Carneline, for being the one that gets her left side blasted off instead of him.

Lisa hugs Neon, Neon hugs back.

Neon: Thank you, Carneline and Kiyoshi. Orange, mom, I remember you now, what you did for me, thank you for taking my place, thank you for being a necessary sacrifice, you will always remain in my heart.

I love you, Lisa.

Lisa: I love you too... Neon.

Narrator: Outside the containment, somewhere down the hallway, a lot of security guards gather, aiming their guns.

One of the security guards takes a grenade and yeets it at the containment entrance. Suddenly, Neon reaches out, grab the grenade and yeets it back, the guards at the front quickly tries to run away, but the grenade explodes and kills them, splattering blood all over the place.

Neon runs out and down the hallway, Lisa walks out, carrying 2 AK-47, staring down at the guards. Lisa points both guns at the horde of guards.


Narrator: Lisa starts firing the gun mercilessly, killing guards after guards. Her right leg gets hit, Lisa falls on her knees in pain. Neon saw it happen but continued running.

Neon: Don't turn back don't turn back don't turn back!

Lisa: Keep running keep running!

Narrator: Lisa turns her head to see Neon turns a corner.

Lisa: He did it! He-

Narrator: Headshot, Lisa watches as her own brain falls out of her forehead, she collapses backwards. Lisa slowly close her eyes, blood flowing in her eyes and onto the floor.

Lisa: I'm... dying. I... have lost.

Narrator: Lisa's life flashes before her, memories of Tear, having fun, crying, and her favourite, meeting him for the first time. Tears flow down Lisa's cheeks.

Lisa: My life is flashing before my eyes... I guess it's time... to go... I love you, Tear, Neon...

Tear: Lisa?

Narrator: Lisa immediately opened her eyes and sat up, right in front of her was Tear, 11 years old, three bullet wounds to the heart. Lisa stood up and hugged Tear happily.

Lisa: Sobbing* Tear! I miss you!

Tear: Sobbing too and hugs back* I miss you too.

Narrator: Lisa noticed she wasn't at the lab anymore, all around her were colourful flowers.

Tear: You are in the Last Met Land, its terrain can be of flowers or corpse base on whether you are going to in the Afterlife, if there is any dead non materialised animal or dead non materialised furries you had a good relationship with, they will be summoned here to meet you one last time in their ghost furry version, thus the name of this place.

Lisa: That means... Whiskers!

Narrator: Tear moves aside, revealing the ghost furry version of Whiskers, his heart area was visibly black, showing that he died from a heart disease.

Whiskers: Meow?


Tear: He doesn't know how to talk yet tho-

Narrator: Lisa hugs both Whiskers and Tear together.

Lisa: I love you two cuties!!

Narrator: A bright yellow light shines from above(insert holy music), Lisa, Tear and Whiskers look up, the gate to the Afterlife. The bullet hole on Lisa's forehead closes up, and she starts floating, up towards the Afterlife. Lisa looks down, Tear and Whiskers were just looking up at her, not following her.

Lisa: Can you guys... not come along?

Tear: ...I'm afraid not... but we will never forget you, regardless of where we are, we will always be here.

Narrator: Tear points to his heart, Lisa holds her heart, some tears flowing out of her eyes.

Lisa: Sad but happy sobbing* Right... in here...

Narrator: Tear and Whiskers wave at Lisa as she ascends, Lisa waves back, the gate to the Afterlife closes after she enters, Tear's and Whiskers's body start evaporating, they are returning to the Spiritlife.

Tear: Guess it's time to go... goodbye Lisa, I'll watch over Kenji for you.

Narrator: Tear and Whiskers completely evaporate. A 12 years old NightCrawler with cerise coloured stripes instead of purple stripes emerges from among the flower, he smiles slightly, this strange cerise striped NightCrawler had fur-like goo on his head and cheeks and he had a small triangular nose and darker dots above his eyes as eyebrows. The cerise striped NightCrawler starts evaporating too.

Cerise Striped NightCrawler: Sorry Lisa, if you would to find out that I died too, you would have been too heartbroken to go.

But don't worry, mom, I'll watch over Ruby, don't you worry your little head out.

Narrator: The Cerise striped NightCrawler evaporates too.

Narrator: The Cerise striped NightCrawler evaporates too

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Doesn't this stripe pattern look like a NoghtCrawler's?

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