Chapter 74: Love

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Narrator: Neon starts telling Lisa everything. Tears begin to flow down her face as she listens on.

Neon: "I wish I could tell her that I still love her".

Narrator: Lisa flinched a little and looked away.

Lisa: After what I said to him... he still loves me?

Narrator: Neon nods.

Lisa: Tell me! Is he doing ok??

Narrator: Neon looked away, and said it with pain.

Neon: He's... dead.

Narrator: Lisa stares at Neon in horror, she buries her head into her arms, crying.

Neon brought his arm across her back, comforting her and crying a little too.

Lisa leans on Neon's fluffy arm.

Lisa: Just as soft as him...

Narrator: Neon looks at the open photo book and flips it with his other hand, looking at the photos, first happy memories flashed, then their death. Eventually, Neon reaches the 2nd last page, Tom and him, some tears flow out from his visor before he could recall Tom's death, it's like it has become his brain's natural instinct to know Tom no matter what.

Neon reaches the last photo, Kaito and Panther, Neon shuts the book, almost everything has come back to him.

Neon: It's alright... everyone will die someday some time.

Lisa: ...yea... you're right...

Narrator: Lisa suddenly leans on Neon's shoulder, Neon was startled by that. Neon leans his head on Lisa's head, drooping his six ears a little, wrapping his fluffy tails around Lisa.

Neon: What is this feeling called? Oh right... happy... happy... so... happy... Tom... Everyone... Headsh-

Lisa: So.... What's your name?

Neon:'s... Neon.

Lisa: Neon... I love you Neon... you are so cute...

Narrator: Lisa boops Neon's visor, Neon blushes a little.

Neon: T-thank you...

Narrator: Both their hands touched each other, they held each other's hand, looking away from each other shyly, yet sparks of love were visible in them.

Neon: So this is called love... how fascinating... feels like... being with Tom...

 being with Tom

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