Chapter 30: 3 Hours of Torture

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Dr.K: How are we going to find that driver that set the lab on fire?

Human: I'm not planning on doing that anyways.

Narrator: Human and Dr.K heads to the entrance, dodging the fires and the debris falling.

Dr.K finds his trusty wrench.

Dr.K and Human reach the entrance. The door opens, a bright light flash over them, the lab still engulfed in flame.

Human: This reminds me of... Puro... 

the sunrise... 

the sunlight...

Narrator: A bullet suddenly whizzed towards Human. Human takes out a katana and slices the bullet into half, the bullet splitted into 2 barely whizz past his face. Dr.K quickly takes out his pipe wrench, ready to yeet it.

3 figures in the distance.

Dr.K: Squinting his eyes* The captain, Tsumi, the driver... and another guy... how did the captain survive your glock shots?

Human: Dunno, but it seems I have to kill him again *takes out another katana*

Narrator: The 3 figures approached. Human could see them better now. Tsumi still had the bullet wounds, but he didn't seem affected by that. 

The driver, the one who set the building on fire, was now holding an AK-47 in both hands. The 3rd figure, had a red napkin tied around his neck, and he is quite tall, he had an empty katana sheath.

Tsumi (Captain): Well well well, if it isn't that wolf bastard, I'm lucky that Akuma installed titanium in me.

Driver: I really thought they died in the fire.

3rd Figure: That's the second time I've seen that mask, reminds me of that black dude which I left my sword in.

Narrator: Dr.K was confused about what he said, then realise he was talking about the mask that Human was wearing.

Dr.K looks at Human. Human's eyes were widened, and in them, was silent anger.

Human: Menacing manner* the empty sheath... 


the sword left in your victim... 


the mask... 



you killed him...



3rd Figure: Who are y-

Narrator: Human already launched a face breaking kick towards the figure, sending both him and Human flying backwards and past Tsumi and driver.

The driver turns around to rush to help.


Narrator: The driver turns around, Dr.K too had the intention to kill.

Dr.K: Let's get this started shall we?

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