Chapter 64: Hidden Hand

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Neon: All right, you guys know the plan?

Narrator: All the young furries and Lemon nods.

Neon puts on his hood and signals to follow him, Lemon jumps on his head.

Neon walks out and looks around, making sure there is no War Protogen in sight.

Neon: Alright, proceed with the plan.

Narrator: The young furries walked up to 5 cars, 4 of them went into each car.

The cars drives off to Foreshore harbour.

Neon: Alright, let's distract the War Protogens.

Lemon: Woof!

Narrator: Neon changes his left hand into a flare shooter and points it to the sky, firing a purple flare.

Neon then felt a sharp pain in his brain.

Neon: They are here, Lemon.

Narrator: Lemon nods and jumps off Neon's head, quickly running into a bush. Neon suddenly dodges to the right and upper kicks the War Protogen that tried to fly-stab him, sending the War Protogen flying upwards.

The War Protogen stabilised himself, before rushing in on Neon again. Neon dodges the downward punch and jumps back, causing the War Protogen to punch into the ground, kicking up a lot of dirt and cracking up the ground.

The dirt screen settles and Neon sees the War Protogen bringing his fist up, ready to hand to hand combat with Neon.

Neon: 1 only? Going PvP? Suuuuure.

Narrator: Neon uses Kegawa Uroko, making his fist spiky, before rushing in the fight. The War Protogen launches the first punch, Neon dodges it and does an upper cut with his left hand, striking the bottom of the War Protogen's visor. The War Protogen grabs Neon's left hand and swings him around and around, before yeeting him into the air, Neon turns his left hand into a harpoon, and while still spinning violently, shoots the harpoon and strikes the War Protogen through it's left hand. Neon retracts the harpoon, pulling himself towards the War Protogen at an incredible speed, Neon activates Teza Ken and bares his crystal claws, before stabbing the War Protogen directly in his chest, sending it flying backwards and skidding across the ground at an incredible speed from the sudden impact.

Neon turns his hand back to normal. The War Protogen twitches in the distance, some smoke coming out of it's visor mouth and ears.

Neon: Glad I learned that from Acorn-

Narrator: Neon felt another sharp pain in his brain, Neon quickly dodges a rocket from another dozen War Protogens in the air.

Neon: I knew there were more, War Protogens would never come alone, BUT,

Narrator: Another 5 War Protogens flies in at top speed, aiming to cut off Neon's head.

Neon merely kneels down and dodges, the War Protogen that Neon stabbed with Teza Ken suddenly kicks the 5 War Protogen extremely powerfully by accident, while he was trying to kick Neon's head off.

Neon: The stab earlier fried his battery and his brain, this way the humans can no longer control him while he is in rage mode, and the brain isn't needed during rage mode, he is now randomly attacking, that means i could use him to distract the other War Protogens!

Narrator: Let's call the War Protogen that is uncontrolled by humans Rage Protogen. Neon grabs the leg of the Rage Protogen, before yeeting him into the sky of many War Protogens.

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