The first meeting

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-Taylors pov-

this might prove to be a terrible, horrible, very bad idea, but am I doing it, hell yes, I am. I've been more or less constantly either texting or being on the phone with Travis for two days. I'm leaving town tomorrow, so we decided to meet up and see if the chemistry is real in person, not just through the phone. If it's not, we both won't try to make something where we could already know there is nothing to build on. But who knows, it might be good as well.

Part of me is scared of it being good. Not to get ahead of myself but, damn, I don't know if I can take another downfall like I just had with Joe. Loving someone so much, and then having them be all kinds of toxic that you just ignore the red flags from because you just want to be happy. I'm not sure if I even want this thing with Travis to go somewhere, I'm worried that it's not the right time. But I think I will regret it if I don't at least meet the man. He sounded pretty damn good on the phone, so he can't be bad, and he is good-looking.

There are butterflies in my stomach about getting to know him and seeing if there could be more between us potentially. Who knows? I certainly don't know. I do not judge that type of stuff too well, judging by my track record with men that is. I'm not one to drag up my dating history out in public, but in private I know I've made some bad choices over the years. However, that's part of growing up. trying and failing, that's how you learn. I learned my lesson about the type of guys to stay away from. I've dated guys who are way too old for me, guys who treated me like I was a burden, guys who wanted me as their trophy wife. but also guys like Taylor who I was the one to fuck things up with. Needless to say, my dating history is a tad complicated. Joe now goes under the list of previous bad decisions, I should have left at the first red flag.

it should have been a major hint that he never wanted to be seen with me in public. It was a secret that everyone knew about. it was stupid and there is no fucking way I'm ever going to be in a position where I'm in a long-term relationship that I constantly have to hide. That's not how I roll. It's not about being a public spectacle, but I want to go out on dates and do stuff like that, not always sneaking in the back or just staying home to avoid it all.

my car pulls up at his house, and he is standing in the doorway, looking incredibly handsome with his casual wear and a hint of a mustache. I never really knew what I felt about that type of accessory, but with him, I don't mind. 

it would be awkward if I just keep sitting in the car, so I step out and see him clearer and clearer the closer I step to him. My long-distance view, and the countless pictures and videos I've watched, are all true. he is good-looking. and that shit-eating grin on his face is priceless.

"You came! you came" he sounds all excited, and it makes me happy that he seems happy I'm here. "I did."

he steps aside so I can step in the door. the door closes behind us, leaving just him and I. My security is staying in the car like always. "Are you sure the security guys are fine in the car? they are free to come inside if they want" he says, and I can't help but be a little shocked that he cared to ask. Not to always compare him to my exes, but I can't help it, they never did. "Thank you. But I think they prefer the car today, keeping an eye on everything."

he puts his hand on the small of my back as he leads me further into the massive house, and I can't help but feel tingles from his touch. It's such a gentle little touch, but damn it feels like taking a deep breath after holding it for a long time, so good. Im just silly, but I can't help how it feels right now. Normally I would be a little intimidated by now, but I'm not. I don't mind being here with him or being with him alone either. He interests me, and I want to get to know the man beneath the helmet.

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