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-Travis's pov-

Pregnant, Taylor is pregnant and I am panicking. But I can't panic because she needs me to be calm and collected right now. I can't stress her out more. But there is a baby in there cooking, and will be here in like under nine months. I didn't see myself becoming a dad anytime soon, but damn this is happening. And I'm certainly not one of those deadbeat dads that won't be involved. Hell, I will be as involved as humanly possible. Everything is turning on its head, and I have to adapt.

Taylor is crying softly into my chest and I rub her back as I hold her close. She needs me, she needs my comfort, and I will gladly give it to her.

"How are we going to make this work? You travel a lot for work and I'm in the middle of a world tour. I don't know what to do Travis. Tell me what to do" She sniffles and pulls away enough so that she can look at me.

"I will make the time whenever I'm home to be anything you or the baby needs, you are my priority, so I would gladly drop out of a game if something was going on and you needed me. I can look into what sort of thing the NFL has in terms of paternity leave for players. And in terms of your tour, I can't tell you what to do, you could postpone it until the baby is born? Or play as long as you can and then postpone whatever is left after the time when you can't fly anymore."

I don't want to be one of those people that tells her what to do, because I want to support what feels right to her. It's not my career, so it's not for me to make the decision for her. We might be together, and parents now, but it's still her life and I won't be controlling it for her. I think it's important to still be an independent individual even tho you're in a relationship. Just because you're together with someone doesn't mean you shouldn't have control of your own life. At least that's what I believe.

-Taylors pov-

Why is he so understanding? I'm uprooting both of our lives and here he is offering comfort and gentle suggestions that are pretty damn obvious. I know I need to do something about the tour, so I need to talk to Tree or someone from my management as soon as possible. I just hate disappointing my fans. I think I should wait to make any decisions until after the first ultrasound. I need to order it ASAP, and here in Kansas City so Travis has the chance to come with me if he wants to.

"Will you come with me to the doctor's office? I want an appointment ASAP to see that this is happening before I make any decisions" I wipe the steaks of tears from my face. It's time to deal with this, but I want to be absolutely sure before I do anything at all. For all I know it could be a false positive right?

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for anything," he says and kisses my temple. "you're not going to do any of this alone, I'm right here with you, always" he tilts my head and gives me the softest of kisses to prove his point and I melt into him.

Im fucking terrified, but at least I have Travis right there with me, I'm not in this alone. At least I have to choose to believe that, or I would go insane. There has to be a way to make this work right? But we live so far apart. I live in New York and he lives here. How are we going to make that work?


We are at the doctor's office where I've been asked a thousand questions about my medical history, my family's medical history, and everything in between. They took blood and urine samples, which the urine did confirmed I was in fact pregnant. I asked about my diet, and alcohol and was told to take prenatal vitamins and stay away from certain foods.

"Okay, I need to do a general physical examination before the ultrasound," Dr. Turner tells us. She is a female OB/gyn here in Kansas City that's supposed to be the best. And she is discreet since we were allowed an appointment after closing time. They really put everything for us to be able to keep this Under wraps for now.

I'm told to change into a gown, so I do before she takes notes of my height, weight, and blood pressure and she listens to my lungs, and heart and examines both my breasts and abdomen. It's a lot in such a small amount of time, but it's what needs to be done. We need to know as much as possible about my baseline just in case there are changes during pregnancy that are concerning. At least that's what she told me.

"Okay Taylor, I want you to lie down on the examination table. Since you aren't too far along, we are going to do a vaginal ultrasound today" she says and Travis gives me a hand up on the bench and I'm told to put my feet in those leg things to keep my legs spread. I've had enough pap-smears to know how awkward it is to spread your legs and let them look, but I know it's part of their job so it's just me that's awkward.

Travis holds my hand and I squeeze it while she inserts the long dildo-looking thing. "I'm scared," I say as I look up at Travis. "I know beautiful, but we will get through this together" he reassures me, and I try to take comfort in that. I'm just scared I'm going to mess this all up and it turns into a disaster unlike anything else.

I don't understand what the stuff on the screen means other than that it's inside my body, it doesn't look like much.

"Looks like there are two embryos inside the same amniotic sack, so yours having twins, congratulations," she says and my jaw drops, looking up at Travis he is just as shocked as me. "No that's wrong, we are having one baby, look again. You're wrong. This is a total misunderstanding. I don't know what to do with two of them" I go on a rant.

"It's completely normal to be scared when something unexpected happens, but I'm sure the two of you can make this work. Just give it time and let it sink in" Dr. Turner says and I hold onto Travis's hand for dear life.

One kid is hard enough for us, but two damn it. How will we make this work without it blowing up in our faces? I have no fucking clue. This just means things got a whole lot more complicated that's for sure. I wish I knew what to do, how to handle this all, but all I really want to do right now is sob into Travis's chest and him telling me that everything is going to be alright. I need to be held, and protected.

"it's still a bit too early to hear the heartbeat I'm afraid. You're about six weeks along so I will need for you to take it easy for the next little while" she says after pulling out the long thing from my vagina. According to Google I already knew it was probably too early to hear the heartbeat anyway, so there is only a mild disappointment. I would love to hear the steady beating.

I get dressed again before she comes in and gives us the rundown of what we need to know before the next appointment. "Caring multiples are considered a high-risk pregnancy, so you will have appointments more often. In the first trimester every three weeks, second trimester twice a month, and in the third trimester every week. It's also important to plan ahead in terms of your work because later on in the pregnancy there is risk with flying and with multiples you have to take it easy. Many work during pregnancy with twins, but there are concerns that needs to be dressed" she says and google told me this too because I wondered about how often I would see her. It also means I will be spending a lot of time here in Kansas City because I want to stick to one OB.

We leave the office in silence, and Travis opens the door for me before getting in his car himself. We sit there in silence, just taking it all in. Our lives are about to get way more complicated. "twins" I say at the exact same time he says "Move in with me."

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