Now they know

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-Taylor's pov-

It's obvious to anyone I'm pregnant now. Can't hide it anymore. When you are 15 weeks pregnant with twins, there is no hiding that bump. But I can't stay in hiding as I have work to do in New York, so I jumped on a plane and got here last night.

The bed feels empty when it's just me. I've gotten so used to being wrapped up in Travis's big strong body that it feels weird to not have him here. But he has work, and a game this weekend, so I can't be needy. He did send me with some cookies to make the tears stop when I left. I might have been a tad emotional about leaving him. I blame it on the baby's hormones.

My phone goes off and I rub my eyes before reaching for it. It's tree. "Hello," I say in a groggy morning voice. Can't say I'm particularly happy about being woken up this early with whatever is going on. Can't it wait?

"Hi, Taylor. Sorry to call this early but it's important" she starts off and I brace myself for whatever comes next. It's never good when she starts something like that.  "There are pictures of you. I exited the plane last night. And your belly is clearly showing. Everyone is reporting that you're pregnant."

I should have expected it. Creepy people do track my Jets and there is nothing I can do to stop them from doing that sadly. So it shouldn't be a shock that someone got a picture. But it still sucks. I was hoping to keep it to ourselves for a while still. Even tho Travis and I have an event together in a few weeks, so people would for sure know then. I was just not ready for this today. I was ready to head to the studio and record, not deal with headlines.

"Have you and Travis talked about how you want to handle this?" she asks, and I sniffle as a few tears make their way down my face. We have but I just hate that we have to deal with this at all. And that because of me it's going to be a constant thing in the babies and Travis's life. They will never be able to escape it.

"Yeah, I guess we have" I mumble. He told me that he will follow my lead. And is okay with people knowing some But not too much for the sake of the kid's privacy. I have to say I agree with him. That they shouldn't be kept like a dirty secret, but also not in the spotlight. There is a middle way in there somewhere.

"Do you want to respond? Say something yourself or just leave it be. You have options here Taylor" she continues, and I already know what we want to do. We want it to come from us, not the media. Giving them an exclusive is like selling a part of our private life, our kids' lives. That's not okay with us. If anyone is going to say something, I'll be dammed if it's anyone but us.

"We kind of wrote something together before I left KC just in case something like this would happen" I originally was hesitant to do that, prepare for it, but in hindsight, it was the best idea. We need to be united in what we put out there into the world, especially regarding our kids. They aren't just mine; they are ours.

"Okay how about you read it to me, and we will see if it needs adjustments" she suggests, and I do just that.

@taylorswift13: So the cat is out of the bag and I don't want to give a confirmation directly to a news outlet, we want it to come straight from us. I am pregnant and we couldn't be happier about the new addition to our family. Putting two and two together yes this is why the tour was postponed as I can't, for private reasons, safely perform at the level I need to for you all. Appreciate all the congratulations, it means a lot to both of us. We ask that everyone respects our privacy during this time and when our family grows. We wish any child we have as much normalcy as possible. Lots of love from Taylor and Travis

"It sounds good Taylor. Maybe a tad long but you said everything that needed to be said" she says and I agree. I think I got it across the best way I could at least. And now people know.

We agree on the final post before I publish it and wait for the internet to crash. I don't think anyone saw this coming, and neither did we to be fair. It wasn't planned but they are our little blessings. I wouldn't trade them for anything and damn I haven't even met the little munchkins yet. In the announcement we decided to not reveal that it's twins because we want to keep as much as possible to ourselves.  The kids won't live a life in the spotlight unless they want to when they are old enough to consent. Until then I want them to have as much privacy as I can give them.

This is going to put a whole other magnifying glass on us and our relationship. People are obsessed. with celebrity couples especially if they are pregnant/have kids. Why I don't actually know but it is what it is. I just don't want it to determine our little kids' lives. They deserve the normalcy we can give them, at least to the extent we can. There is only so much I can do about my situation and how it will affect them, but I'm trying the best I can.

I pace around the apartment after hanging up with tree. My phone has blown up with congratulations from the people who didn't know. Which to be fair most people didn't. Only the people closest to us, or those that have seen me recently, knows about it. And even fewer know it's twins.

Now everyone will know by just doing a quick search online. It's going to be all over the place, and I can do nothing other than sit back and watch it all go down. It's maddening to not have control, especially for someone who thrives on it.

I stop in front of a mirror and pull up my sweater so I can get a good look at my belly.  It's round, taking more shape every day. And it's actually pretty heavy to wear on my front, so I've been having some back pains as well. Im around 15 weeks so still a long way to go before the end of the pregnancy. But I find myself enjoying the little things about it so far. How my body is capable of creating not one but two lives? That's pretty incredible if you ask me. That the female body has that ability.

But now I just want to get done the work i came here to do so j can fly back home to Kansas City where I belong. I miss my man

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