I'm in this

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-Taylors pov-

I may have spent a little more time than usual this morning getting ready. I haven't done anything over the top, but I laid out clothes and took forever to pick out what to wear. It's summer tho, so I picked a blue flowy dress that goes down to my knees. It's simple but cute.

As we pull up to his place the nerves are there again. I just can't help it. I'm scared that I would end up falling for him too soon or get my hopes up only to get let down for the millionth time. He just seems too good to be true, and I don't know what to do. I've gotten my heart beaten black and blue so many times that I don't know if I could handle another blow.

When the car pulls up the door opens right away, and he is standing there waiting for the car to stop. But in what seems like an instant he is there opening the door for me. "good morning beautiful" he says and my cheeks turn crimson. "thank you, you scrub up well this morning as well" I grin at him.

He hasn't done anything spectacular with his get-up today either, but it's perfect. I like that we can be casual for a day hanging out at his place before I leave here. But the thought of leaving Kansas City grows a pit in my stomach because it means I won't get to see him for a while. That is if he even wants to see me again after today. If he doesn't, I know I will be disappointed.

With a hand on the small of my back, he leads me into his house, and just like yesterday it has a homey feeling in here. It's cleanly decorated, with a fair amount of sports stuff, but there is no stinky gym bag or stinky shoes by the door, like I may have thought a football player might have. I don't know why I just assumed so, but I did. It smells clean like he keeps his place regularly maintained, which I like.

We do have some stuff to talk about today, about what we will do when I leave tonight. Because it could go one of two ways. Either we could keep trying to make something together, or we could admit that we are both really busy and it's not the right time. I want it to be the first choice, but we both need to be all in to make that work. If you're going to do things long distance, trying to build something that way, it takes some deep conversations to make it work.

Like yesterday he had cooked, so we ate together, cleaned up, and then head out into the sun on his back porch. He has a couch set there so we take a seat next to each other, but slightly turned so we can keep the eye contact that seems never-ending. I never want to forget those eyes; they are a perfect shade of brown.

"There is this thing we need to talk about" I mumble and bite my lip. But I shouldn't have been nervous. "yeah, we do. We need to figure out where we go from here before you leave tonight. So let's lay all the cards on the table" he suggests and then volunteers to start.

"I like you, and I want to see where this goes. But I need you to be all in with me. I'm a busy guy, but if we give it a shot, I will prioritize you when I can. But I need to know if you want it too, I need to know if your head is where I am. God, I feel like a teenager but yes, I like you, and I hope you might like me" The last part sounds more like a question than a statement, but I like that he is being vulnerable by laying it out there.

With long distance you can't be cryptic and play mind games, it doesn't work. Especially when you are as busy as the two of us. Neither one of us has time for that or anything that's not serious. I certainly don't, and as a professional player, I assume he needs to manage his time well as well. It's the same with friends and romantic partners for me, I need to know where I stand with people to know who to prioritize time with.

"I like you too" I admit as my cheeks heat up again "and I need you to be all in too. I'm done with anything even close to mind games. I can't handle a partner like that. So I need honesty and understanding that I work a lot. Being with me comes with complications in terms of media attention, and I want you to think long and hard about that because it's overwhelming. When people find out who I'm dating it turns into this big thing and I don't want you to resent that, resent me because of something I can't control."

I can't control what's being said about me in the media, what the paparazzi scream, or what gets posted online about me. There isn't anything I can do, even if I went into total hiding, I can't control it. It's something whoever I'm with needs to accept because I can't take the resentment. That's what usually ends up happening, resentment from being referred to as "Taylor Swift's' boyfriend."

"I'm all about honestly, and I'm busy too. It sounds like we are on the same wavelength in terms of what we need from a partner. And I don't give a fuck about the media, I live my life how I want and try to ignore it. Not to mention I'm not ashamed about liking you, fuck I want to scream from the rooftop how amazing you are and how lucky I am" I can't help but be surprised that he doesn't seem to care about what people say because that's what I'm used to.

"and god I want to kiss you right now" he breaths out and I bite my lip "What are you waiting for then" I'm not usually this bold, but he makes me feel things I can't remember the last time I did.

He leans closer, cups my face and finally presses those lips against mine. Our lips move in sync and I get butterflies in my stomach and my whole body heats with excitement. My hand moves up and twists in the small hairs at the back of his neck, I like how soft they are even tho its cut short. It seems like the kiss lasts forever and never ends at the same time. A fire burns in my belly and I'm desperate for more.

When we pull away, I'm out of breath but still longing for his lips to be back on mine. It's like a drug I never knew I needed. "Did you feel that too" he breathes short breaths, trying to gain back control and I nod, knowing exactly what he means. The fireworks, the excitement of our bodies. There is something between us worth exploring.

He smiles before picking me up and dragging me to sit on his lap. His arms snake around me and I rest my head against him. He is bigger than me and taller than me. His many hours on the football field have paid off in a solid and muscular body. I'm sure he could throw me around like a rag doll if he wanted. "You fit perfectly tucked into me," he says and nuzzles his head in my hair making me laugh from the tickling.

"I feel safe," I say softly, and it's true. It feels like a blanket being wrapped around my aching thorns, warming me and protecting me. "and that makes me happy. Nothing is more important than keeping you safe."

We sit like this in silence for a while, not always needing to say something for it to be comfortable. There is something special about feeling someone's body against yours, the safety and security, the warmth, and the way it makes your own body feel. When you pay attention to that stuff everything else doesn't matter, you can sit in comfortable silence.

"Give me a shot Taylor, let me show you I can be what you need. Are you in this?" He asks and I sigh in contentment "I'm in this. Both feet taking a big leap"

For hours we switch between kisses, wandering hands and just talking. I want to learn everything there is to know about this man because I don't think any of it will be boring. He is someone worth knowing, I'm sure about that, no doubt in my mind that he is worth it.


I didn't want to leave, but the car was waiting to take me to the airport, it's time to say goodbye for now. Hopefully, it won't be too long before I get to see him again, and I can't wait for that day. Being close to him, feeling that type of safety, is making feelings I thought I would never be able to have blossom. We just met, I'm not in love with him, but given time I know I could get there, no doubt. He is the kind of guy you stick around for, the guy you give a chance because he is a catch. We are both willing to give it a shot, and I take that seriously.

"I don't want to leave," I say as I'm wrapped in a hug in front of an open car waiting to whisk me away to another state miles away. "I don't want you to leave either. But you'll see me again soon. We will make this work Taylor, promise" he kisses me again and I lean into it, taking in the final kiss before it's goodbye for now.

After pulling away he insists on helping me in the car and I can't help but smile, even though it's bittersweet that it's the last time for a while I'm going to feel his hands on me. They are so strong and secure, as well as soft and sensual at the same time. He is made up of contradicting pieces, just like all of us are.

When the car rounds the corner I feel both sad and giddy. I'm sad that I'm leaving him for at least a month, but giddy that I've found someone I click so well with so fast. It's not going to be easy moving forward, but I'm damn sure going to give it my all.

A/N for those who read my safe and sound story, I haven't forgotten it. I just don't have my computer with all the stuff for that book with me.

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