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-Taylors Pov-

I'm 34 today, one year older, and supposedly I'm supposed to be a year wiser. I don't know about that one, but I can at least pretend, right? Anyway. I'm in New York City to celebrate my birthday. Travis got one day off practice, so he came with me, and we are going to celebrate with a bunch of my friends. I've got a little black dress with embellishments that reminds me of my midnight album ready to be worn that's hanging in my closet.

"you sure you're up for a party?" Travis asks for the millionth time today. He is worried that an 18-week pregnant woman probably shouldn't party. But it's not like I'm going to be drinking or anything. I'm just going to have fun with my friends. It's probably one of the last times, if not the last time before the babies are here. and I don't want to miss out on it. there will be plenty of times in the future when I have to cancel stuff because of the babies, so I don't want to start now.

"I'm fine Travis, I'm actually looking forward to getting out of the house and doing something" I've been mostly in our house since the gala, not bothering to leave much. It's not that I went into hiding, I really didn't, but I knew that if I kept my face out of the spotlight the media drama would die down quicker. After all, they are after whatever feeds on their narrative, and if they don't get fed, they can't continue either.

"Okay, I'll leave it alone. But if you feel off at all, you need to tell me and we will leave, okay?" he says as he stands in front of me, cupping my face to make me look at him. "yes Travis, I will tell you. but I'm fine, really. I feel good and those days aren't as frequent anymore."

I feel like a waddling whale for the most part, but today I actually feel good about myself. I'll be damned if I don't take advantage of that feeling.

"Have I told you how much I love you today?" he comes up behind me and says, as his arms wrap around my naked waist, laying his palms on my stomach. "about a million times. But I don't mind hearing it a million more" I sigh and lean into his embrace.


My friends rented out a restaurant for the occasion, so we arrived at a sea of paparazzi at the front taking our pictures on the way inside. My eyes hate the sting from the flashing lights, but I keep a smile on my face and get through it. going out in New York means that there will be people taking pictures of you, there is no getting around it. at least that's in my experience if you don't go all 007 like I did with Joe, it was spy-level stuff. Now, however, with Travis, I can walk through the front door like a normal person. The lights might flash in our faces, and it will be front-page news tomorrow, but we don't care. He doesn't worry about being seen with me and what it does to his career, he just loves me and wants to show the world.

"ahhh, Taylor" Gigi shrieks and runs over to me in her stiletto heels after we get inside. "you're glowing. Damn pregnancy looks hot on you" She hugs me tightly and I hug her right back. I've known her for years, and she has consistently been one of my closest friends over the years. There are some people in my life I know I can count on, and she is one of them.

"thank you. I feel good today" I match her enthusiasm before going on and greeting the room, one by one. Countless people were invited and showed up, it's star-studded but with people, I know I can trust. Some are old friends, like Jack, Blake, and Gigi, but some are newer like Sabrina. My inner circle has grown, but that isn't a bad thing. I've learned over the last couple of years, after years of doubt, that I can trust people. I'm much more trusting than I was six years ago. And I like to think I'm a good judge of character.

There is a table of gifts, and people are insisting even though I said it wasn't necessary to bring something. them just being here is more than enough as a gift. But I'm obviously not going to fight it, that would be in bad taste.

Travis has been standing with Jack on the other side of the room while my girls have been gushing all over me. everyone is so excited that I'm pregnant and I can't help but bathe in the love they are already giving my little munchkins.

"do you know the gender?" Gigi asks and I nod "One boy and one girl," I say, and they awe. I'm so excited to meet them I could talk about them all day. It might be my birthday, but I don't care, I could talk about my babies for the rest of my life. it also helps that a few of my friends here have kids as well, Gigi and Blake especially, so they get it.

"Travis as a girl Dad, that will be interesting," Abigail says and the rest of us chuckle. I know exactly what she means. My big manly boyfriend down on the floor playing with Barbies with his daughter. Or taking her to dance lessons. Not to mention when she eventually comes home and says she has a crush on someone, or god forbid has a date. I think Travis might combust when that happens.

"I think he will surprise us all. Maybe having a boy will be harder?" Gigi adds and I consider that as well. A boy can be a handful as well. Not to mention what determines that our little girl will like ballet and our little boy will like football. Maybe it will be the other way around. It's so easy to fall into the gender stereotypes when you talk about having kids, but I want to unlearn that part. If my son wants to do ballet, I'm not going to stop him just because he is a boy. No fucking way. He can do what he wants. My little girl too.

Big hands wrap around my waist, and I know exactly who it is. Leaning back into his embrace I take in the clean scent that I love so much. I've gotten sick because of his cologne, so he is going without for now to help me not get so nauseous. But I also happen to prefer his natural scent anyway, so win-win for me.

"you doing, okay?" he whispers to me, and I nod "I'm fine. my feet ache a little but fine" I say back. He has been checking up on me every once in a while, just to make sure I'm okay. It would be annoying, but it's not, I find it comforting to know he cares. And he doesn't care that the whole room is watching his affection for me, he couldn't give a fuck what they see or don't see. No, he just loves on me all the time without a care for who might be watching and judging. It's refreshing to just be us without having to play a game of hide and seek with my partner.

Alessia Cara's song "I'm Yours" starts playing over the speakers and Travis drags me out on the dance floor. I love this song, it's an oldie but it never goes out of style in my eyes. I like the message it gives about having your heart broken in the past, not wanting to fall again because of it, but then opening your heart again because you find the right person. It's sort of the story between me and Travis. I didn't want to ever fall for someone again, to not get hurt as Joe did, but I made room in my heart because Travis proved that I could trust him.

I'll admit I'm still terrified at times that he is going to break my heart and leave me for someone better. There are better options out there for him because my life is a big old mess. There are easier people to be with, but he keeps choosing me every single day.

"Baby I'm yours, oh baby I'm yours" he whispers along with the song into my ear, and I melt into his arms. I love him. I love him more than words can express. 

hits different - Taylor Swift and Travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now