she said yes

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-Taylors Pov-

"so Taylor Alison swift, beautiful, will you marry me" he finally asks, and I burst into sobs.

"beautiful, don't cry," he says from down on one knee in front of me looking so vulnerable yet strong at the same time. "I love you," I say between snot and tears.

He laughs "And I love you too beautiful, more than words can tell you. So, will you? Will you marry me?" he says as he holds out a beautiful ring that he picked out just for me.

"yes," I sniffle and give him my hand to slide the ring on my finger. He stands up and brings me into his arms, pressing our wet faces together for a soaring kiss. I'm going to marry this man; I'm going to marry the love of my life.

Our lips move together in sync, and I slip my tongue into his mouth, really tasting him. He tastes like peppermint toothpaste, probably having brushed his teeth before this. I want him, I want any part I can get my hands on because now I can call him mine for real. I'm going to be Mrs. Kelce and I couldn't be prouder to take his last name and become an official part of the Kelce clan.


Tangled in sheets we lay intertwined in bed catching our breath. "that was some of our best work. Engagement sex is the best" Travis says, and I playfully hit his chest. "shut it" I laugh.

Not surprisingly we lost our clothes on the way up to the bedroom and fell into our own little world with gentle lovemaking. Sometimes I like it a bit rough, who doesn't like to mix it up a bit, but today we both wanted it slowly, sensually. I'm wearing a layer of sweat but it's totally worth it.

"what do you see our future looking like" he asks, and I take a second to think about it, because that could mean a lot of things. "what do you mean? Like in what capacity? I see us getting married and watching our kids grow up" I say.

"Like, is there anything missing? Are we happy with the family size or is that something we should talk about again? I'm trying to ask you what you want our future to be Taylor so I can give it to you. I would give you anything you want" he says before kissing the top of my head.

I take a moment to really think about it, not wanting to say anything I'm not sure of. Because it's not like I'm not happy with how our family is now, I'm perfectly content with the four of us, but at the same time, it feels like there is something missing. Is that thing more kids or something else? How am I supposed to know?

"I want us to be surrounded by our kids, however many that become and grow old together" I simply say because it's true.

"you want more kids?" he straight-up asks me, and I shrug. "I don't know. I don't not want more kids. But you know where I stand, I don't think I could go through another pregnancy and there are so many kids who need homes out there" I carefully approach the subject of adoption that we have been on before. It's something we both have thought about, and we have briefly talked about it but not too directly.

"but it can't be just me that wants more kids Travis, it needs to be a joint thing. We are together in this, together in all and everything" I kiss his naked chest.

"It's not just you that feels like something, or someone, might be missing. And you're right, there are plenty of kids out there that need homes" he says, and I draw stars with my finger on his chest. My ugly stars that are because I can't really draw them that well and my fans endlessly tease me for it.

"do you... do you maybe want to talk to an adoption agency in the new year?" I broach the subject carefully because it's a sensitive topic even though we are basically saying it without saying it at this point. "I think that would be good, we can at least hear them out about the process and such."

We are doing this; I'm going to call an agency and then we are going to see where this road takes us if it even takes us anywhere. We might not like what they have to say and want to go in a different direction. Maybe we decide that our family is big enough after all? Who knows. But we won't know before we talk to them.

"Have I told you how much I love you today?" I say and straddle his naked waist. He grins up at me and lays his hands on my hips "Not in so many words. I might need some convincing" he teases me, and I go down for a kiss intending to show him how much in a second round.

*** a few days later **

"go daddy!" I playfully yell along with Maddie who is cheering on her dada. We are at a game and having so much fun.

It's the first game since the tour ended and I'm so excited to be back watching him play once again. There is something so thrilling about watching an NFL game, the energy is unlike anything else. It's the same stadium I've played in plenty of times but the whole thing feels totally different. That might be because it's not me on stage, but I think it has something to do with the crowd and how different everything is. People of all ages come out for these games, and people get really invested in what's being done on the field.

"dada?" Avery coos but it sounds more like a question than a statement. "That's right, dada is playing with all his friends" I point to number 87 on the field, not that I think Avery really can see what I'm pointing at. The kids aren't that interested in watching the games when they tag along, they are more interested in eating the cookies and running around.

"be careful baby," I say when Maddie runs along on her shaky toddler legs. The girl is bound to fall at some point today, but I try not to be a helicopter parent and wrap her In bubble wrap either. She needs to learn the same way we all learned. Travis and I are in agreement on that, she will never learn if she never falls. As much as I hate hearing her cry, I know that it's the only way to learn that if you run too fast and stumble over your feet you are going to fall eventually.

"mama arm," Avery says and reaches for me, so I pick up my little boy and blow a raspberry on his cheek making him laugh. He loves being held and could do this all day if we let him. He is really attached to the people close to him and doesn't like to be alone too much. Kids develop differently, and he and his sister are so different but that's okay. They are both perfect just the way they are.

Travis scores a touchdown, and the crowd goes insane, and I cheer along with them. "yay Avery, daddy scored a goal" I twirl us around making him laugh. "dada"

Being a mom is my favorite thing in the world, it's my favorite job that I never want to go without. I would give up everything else, the sparkly dresses and soaring crowds if it stood between that and my kids. That is how much I love them. They are my whole world, them and their daddy. 

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