first football game

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-Taylors Pov-

"come on munchkins, we are going to see daddy play the first game of the season" I coo the babies are I get them situated in their stroller in the parking lot of the stadium. It's time for the first game of the season and it's really important to both of us that the kids are there. They are too small to remember any of it, but there will be pictures to look back at.

We are well aware this is opening them up to the public a bit, but we can't be totally anal about it and never let them out in public. It's all about balance and having the public know where we stand on it all. We don't share pictures of them online, or really give out much information other than a little something here and there, but this is a big day for Travis.

With an NFL career, you never know if it's going to be your last game. Sure there are predictions, but the risk of serious injury is always there. So we don't want to miss a chance for the kids to watch him play. Especially since I'm leaving on tour in two months and the kids are coming with me. that will be fewer chances for the kids to see him play and I want to soak up all the moments we have together as a family before I leave for the tour.

Reputation Taylor version dropped last week, so I have been working on press for that, but now I'm free for the day with no other obligations than my spot as a WAG and mommy.

"do we have everything?" I ask Hannah, the nanny before we leave the car. "we do. I have the diaper bag and you have the kids. Already to go now"

She has been a good help so far; I think we picked the right girl for the job. She is right out of college, but her resume made her a good fit anyway. Not to mention that I'm growing to like her as a person as well. She fits in with us and that is a big selling point when it comes to hiring help. You don't want a nanny you don't get along with, that's asking for awkwardness.

I have been more hesitant to let her in after the whole debacle with Pia, but I can't use that against Hannah either. They are different people, and I don't get a bad vibe from Hannah like I did from the first time I met Pia. It's not fair to hold someone else's mistakes against someone else. I'm all about being fair.

We haven't heard anything from her, and I don't think we are going to either. She is probably off somewhere licking her wounds. If she is smart, she will realize she lost and go down with grace instead of as a laughingstock. I certainly know which option I would have picked, but that might just be me and my need to keep my dignity.

Security escorts us into the stadium and up to Travis's suite where Britt already is with her own two kids. "ah Taylor, you made it" she says and brings me in for a hug while also carrying her youngest on her hip. "hi britt, couldn't miss this."

I position the stroller so the kiddos can get a good look down, even if they aren't actually able to see much. I don't know much about babies' abilities to see far away, but I'm going to pretend they see just fine. they look adorable in their little jerseys with their daddy's number on it. picking up Avery, I hand him to Hannah while I take Maddie in my arms. They love being held and I coo my little girl to match her little sounds. "you're such a good baby, aren't you? you're mommy's little princess."

I'm madly in love with the kids there is no way to truly put it into words. There are no words to describe the love between a parent and their child. At least not many that make sense in my head. They are just my whole world, and I would do anything for them. Just like I know Travis would.

"Daddy is going to play football. Isn't that cool baby girl? He is really good too. he plays a tight end position, not that I'm totally sure what that is because Mommy isn't good at football. But he is on the offensive team, that much I do know. And you're going to grow up going to football games to watch him play. Just like you're going to get to watch mommy on stage" I tell my little girl and feel completely content being present in this moment.

The game starts and the team enters the stadium with a roaring crowd. It amazes me every time I see how excited people are to watch them play a game. It's an incredible energy filling the stadium of all genders of all ages coming together for a single interest. I'm excited to watch this, see where it takes them this season, and watch my man soar on the field. Few things make me as happy as seeing him in his element doing the thing he loves.


It's a tight game but the Chiefs came out on top, perfect for the kiddo's first football game. I took loads of pictures of them from all angles, wanting to capture the moment forever and for Travis to have a way to be with us in the moment even from afar.

We head downstairs to meet the team as they file out after their showers, and I can see how Travis lights up when he spots me with the kiddos. I have one kid on each arm, and he picks up Avery before twirling him around "My boy. Did you like watching Daddy play?"

The only response he gets is a toothless grin and gurgle, but the look on Travis's face shows it's more than he would ever need.

"They had a lot of fun. Didn't cry once, even with the roar of the crowd, I'm surprised" I was a little worried about how they were going to handle all the loud noises, but it went surprisingly well all things considered. Both kids seemed totally content as long as someone carried them. They were not happy to miss out on any action by laying in their stroller, so they were carried by someone the whole game. Thankfully Hannah is a big help so we can trade off the kids and have one each. And Aunty Britt loves herself some snuggles as well when her toddler was running around themselves.

Travis comes over and places a kiss on top of Maddie's head before kissing me softly. "did you enjoy the game?" he asks, and I nod "I love watching you do what you love. it's the best feeling in the world.

"here are too many more moments like this then" Once again he kisses me before our attention is drawn to Maddie who doesn't appreciate not being the center of attention and whines. "we haven't forgotten you princess; daddy is just loving on mommy" Travis coos her making her laugh.

This right here, this is what I need in my life. my little family being whole and together. who needs anything else?  

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