first day of school

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-Taylors Pov-

I get out of the shower and dry off before walking stark naked into our bedroom to get dressed. "damn I can't get enough of how beautiful you are" Travis groans from his spot in the closet when I walk in.

"says you handsome" I snort. Between the two of us, he is arguably more fit at least. After having twins my body has never been the same, never gotten back to the size it used to be. I have stretchmarks, my ass is bigger, and my boobs are saggy. It's the price you pay to have bundles of love in your life. I wouldn't trade my old body for my kids ever, so I'll take this in stride.

"beautiful what is that on your side? Right under your armpit?" Travis asks and I furrow my eyebrows. "what are you talking about?"

"There is a bruise," he says, and I head over to the mirror to have a look. Sure enough, there is a bruise under my armpit, how weird. I must have bumped into something; it wouldn't be the first time. "it's nothing, I'm sure I bumped into something again."

I've had some weird bruises in different places in my life, it's nothing new even if the placement is a bit odd. It feels tender, but nothing too bad.

Quickly both of us get dressed because today is a big day. Elena and Jacob are starting school today, and I want to be prepared and get them going the right way. It's not the first time they are starting a new school in the middle of the school year, but I want to make it as easy as possible for them. It's hard enough being the new kid I want to do what I can.

Dressed in jeans and a sweater I head to the kids' rooms to wake them. Travis takes the twins while I take our older two. It's strange to think that we now have a nine- and ten-year-old, but they already feel like ours. We might not be their biological parents, but we want to be their forever family anyway.

First, I wake up Jacob "Jacob, honey. It's time to get up for school" I open the blinds in his room and make sure his uniform is ready to go. Groaning he rolls around in bed "Good morning, Taylor."

"good morning, Jacob" I go over and caress his head, running my fingers through his sleep hair and smiling at him. They have been here for a week, but I already want to shower them with all the love I have to give.

"come downstairs for breakfast after getting ready. I'll wake your sister. Shout if you need anything" I leave his room and have the same process in Elena's room.

"Honey, it's time to wake up," I say as I pull the blinds open.

"do you need help getting ready? Do you want me to help with your hair?" I ask her as she sits up in bed. "good morning, Taylor. I'm okay. Thanks"

With that, I leave her too, and head downstairs to get everything ready. Travis comes down right after me carrying the twins on each arm. "good morning my little munchkin" I coo to them before starting on breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I especially want to start them off right before their first day of school. The twins aren't old enough for that yet, at only two years old they have a few more years of being home before they start preschool. They are spending the day with Hannah, probably taking a trip to the neighborhood park later. I have work to do, and Travis is going to the stadium to work out, so we are all busy this morning.

As I make oatmeal for breakfast one by one the kids come and take a seat at the table. Travis gets the honey, berries, and cinnamon out for us to dress up the oatmeal. I love some cinnamon on my oatmeal, and Elena seems to enjoy It as well since she puts it on in the morning. It's so easy to make a big pot of oatmeal for all of us, and the fiber helps keep you full for longer. It's good to start your day off with when you have school and work.

"Are you ready for school?" I ask them when we start to eat. "I don't like school" Jacob mutters and I give him a quick smile "I know it can be burning, but it's important for your future. Try to focus on all the things you can do later on in life if you stick with it for now."

"I haven't thought about it like that before," he says and tilts his head to the side as he thinks. "and you get to start playing football this week as well" Travis points out. he signed him up for a team where other kids from his school also play.

Elena is in fourth grade while Jacob is in fifth grade at the same school. it's a private school that we eventually want the twins to attend as well when they are old enough. Thankfully it's not that far from our house even though it's one of the best schools in the city. We only want the best for our kids, and they have a high school and middle school they are connected to so they can be in the same system throughout their school years.

"how about you Elena? Do you like school?" Travis asks her and she looks down "I'm not a big fan. I don't make friends easily" she admits, and I feel bad for her. I didn't make friends easily either and spent a lot of my elementary and middle school years eating lunch alone and trying to avoid the bullies. I don't want that for my girl, even I there is a limited number of things I can do to avoid her getting into that situation.

"maybe this time it will be different" I try to stay positive, but I know how hard it is. I don't want to push her further down by telling her how bad it can be though; I want to stay positive.

-Travis Pov-

"so Taylor or I will come to get you after school, okay? Right here in the same spot. And if you need anything you can always go to the office, and they will call us for you" I tell the kids as I walk them into school. we make a quick stop at the front office before I get ready to let them go on for their first day here.

"Okay. I'll see you later" Jacob says, and I can see he is more nervous now than he was this morning. Being the new kid is hard, there is no question about that. especially when you transfer in the middle of the school year. Everyone else is already settled and then someone new comes in and shakes things up.

"you okay Elena?" I ask her and she nods "I'm fine. have a good day, Travis."

I give them both a quick hug before I leave them to it. they are going to be okay, at least I hope so. School can be a rough place to be, especially at their age, but I also know it's important for development. Sure we could have homeschooled them, or hired a teacher for them, but that would rob them of the chance to bond with other kids their age. This is the better solution, at least I hope it is. Only time will tell though.

I drive to the stadium where I'm meeting Pat for a workout this morning. Taylor is at home in meetings with her management team and the twins are hanging with their nanny. That leaves me with time to do my own work, keeping in shape for the season ahead of us. It's months away, and we haven't started training camp yet, but it's still important to keep in top shape all year long.

After quickly changing in the locker room I head to our gym where Pat is waiting for me "Hi man. How did drop off go?" he asks, and I shrug "I think it went okay. The kids seemed fine at least"

Who knows what they were really feeling because they are still just getting to know us? I would struggle too with being completely open with a new family I was thrown into, so I don't blame them if they are holding back on us.

"It's a good school at least. My kid loves it" his kid is still little but old enough to attend school now. They told us about this particular school, and we figured it would be a good fit for us as well.

"hope so. I'm just a little worried about how the kids are going to do there. There are no secret foster kiddos struggle more with bullying. And I don't want that to be them. So I'm just a little worried" not that I would talk with Taylor about it because I know she already worries like crazy about the kids being bullied at school. no need to add fuel to the fire there.

"If it helps the school has a zero-bullying policy. Not that I know how well that works out for them but at least it's something right?" he says, and I agree before we take a treadmill each for warmup.

"They are good kids. I think you will like them" I say and can't help but smile as I picture my little family. We grew with two more kids overnight and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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