the day after

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-Taylors Pov-

All morning I've been dealing with media drama. Of course, last night made front-page news. Some are about me and Travis stepping out on the red carpet together, which we expected and is fine, but then footage of the argument also made its way onto the web. I want a word with whoever decided to record that shit show, but whatever. What is done is done, now it's all about damage control, I guess.

So I've been on the phone with Tree trying to figure out how to handle this. Basically, we decided to keep my mouth shut and not speak about it. let it die down on its own. If I spoke about it things would just blow up more and it would be a bigger deal than they already are. Sometimes the best response is not responding at all. That tends to be the best way to handle celebrity issues at least.

We sit in silence on the plane, no words are said and I'm nervous that this is going to blow up even more. Not saying anything at all sounds like the best option, especially when all I want to say comes out in anger. He slept on the couch last night, and the bed felt cold and lonely without him there to keep me warm. No strong arms were wrapped around me keeping me safe. It was too open, too much space. I should be used to sleeping alone, and I am, but there is something comforting about his warm embrace whenever I can get it, it's the best sleep I can get.

Why can't he just apologize? I'm right, right? It feels like I'm in the right in this and shouldn't have to take the first step. I might have been a tad dramatic last night, but I had a point I wanted to get across. I just don't want drama, and certainly not add to the situation if something comes up.

I lay my hand on my belly, thinking about the tiny humans that are going to come into this world with drama around any corner. My life, the life I chose all those years ago, doomed any child I ever have to a spotlight pointed towards them. I can do what I can to keep them anonymous and keep them out of the headlines, but there is only so much I can do. and do I do everything, keep them all inside all the time in fear of being seen? That's not the childhood anyone wants for their kids. There has to be a way to handle it all and balance it. I want them to be able to ride a bike around the neighborhood like other kids and play at the playground, without being photographed.

My phone goes off again, with a text from Blake this time.

Blake: did you really make him sleep on the couch?

Me: you bet your ass I did.

Blake: don't you think you might be overreacting a tad? He was defending you against someone who laid their hands on you Taylor.

Me: don't be all rational with me. I'm still upset.

Blake: don't let your stubbornness get in the way of your relationship. Love you loads.

Blake thinks I'm being too hard on Travis, but I just can't seem to let it go. Is this a pregnancy thing? Or is it just me being a stubborn thing? I blame the pregnancy for any wrongdoings on my part. It's my right as a pregnant person to blame it for anything, I think. The babies are sucking the rationality out of me, little blood-sucking things.

The whole plane ride and the car ride to the house are silent. It's not a good silence, it's uncomfortable. Like a giant elephant is in the room eating up the air and making me feel sick to my stomach.

"I'm going to practice" is the only thing he says before he leaves the house, and me alone in it. the house is so silent, other than the faint patter from my kitties wandering around somewhere.

Stupid pregnancy hormones make tears slide down my face. He is so mad; I don't understand what's going on. Am I just overreacting about the whole thing? Did I make it all up in my head to be bigger than it is? No, I'm not. There are some things that I just won't tolerate, and this is one of them. I don't want drama; I don't want headlines with scandals with my face on it.

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