practice and breakdowns

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-Travis's pov-

We are eating dinner around the table before dance and football practice. It's the first time they are going to their activities and honestly, I'm a bit nervous on their behalf. It's yet another new group they are entering, and it could be overwhelming for them.

Jacob is over the moon about finally getting to learn football properly. We got his equipment a few days ago and we were having so much fun together. it makes me wonder if Avery will like football as well. Will I have two boys that love what I love? or just one? Either way, I'm a happy camper.

Of course, I haven't resisted teaching Jacob a few things myself, like how to throw the ball. We have a big back yard so why not use it? we played catch over and over for him to get it into his bones like I did back in the day. He is also really fast, might be a receiver In him.

Elena is going to dance and I'm more worried about her than Jacob. She is having a harder time adjusting to her new life and this could be another thing that is just too much for her. She is up most nights crying, and Taylor sits there with her. It's been two weeks since they got here and it's still going on. I'm getting worried about her but I'm also trying not to push her too much. She is a fragile little girl, and I don't want to do any damage if I can avoid it.

"Are you ready for football today, Jacob?" Taylor asks him and he nods vigorously "So excited" he grins as he sits there dressed and ready to go for football.

"And you Elena? Ready for ballet?" she turns to ask Elena who blushes as she sits there in her dance outfit. "um... sure.... I mean... yes" she says nervously. I wish I knew what I could do to make things easier on her, but it might be something she needs to figure out within herself first before we can help her.

"dance dance dance" Maddie chants as she wiggles in her seat. She is going to dance as well with her brother. They have a toddler class that they just started because it's good for them to get around other kids. Apparently, it's going well, and they are enjoying it.

After dinner, I take one car with Jacob to the field while Taylor and Hannah take the rest of the kids to the dance studio.

"Travis, do I you think I can catch the ball again today? Just like we did at the house. That would be so cool" Jacob says from the backseat. "maybe if they want you to play offensive. But you will probably be throwing and catching anyway, it's important to learn it properly. You're really good though."

It's surreal that I'm here taking a kid to football practice for the first time, a boy who will hopefully be my son. I think both Taylor and I agree that we want to keep them, without having really talked about it yet. It was the right thing to go for adoption, I can feel it in my bones. Now it's just formalities left, and they will be our forever kids.

We get to the field where several other cars are, and kids are getting ready for practice. "let's do this" I say before getting out of the car and grabbing Jacob's bag for him. "come on buddy."

Walking onto the field I spot the coach right away and head over there. "hi, I'm Travis, here with Jacob Anderson, the new player on the team" I greet the coach and he seems surprised "Travis Kelce. This is a surprise. I'm Coach Rodgers. I heard your boy was coming to join our team. He is new to this right?"

"yeah, fresh into football. Haven't played before but eager to learn" I say and look over my shoulder at Jacob who caught up with me. I introduce him to the coach, and they shake hands.

"It's always nice to have a new kid on the field boy. Let's get you settled and see what you're made of okay?" Coach Rodgers says and Jacob nods eagerly before going to join the other kids.

I take a seat on the bleachers and see Jacob talking with some of the other kids, clearly making friends easily. Maybe some of them are from school? I know this is usually the team students from that school play at. This is going to be fun to watch.

I feel the eyes of some of the other parents on me, probably recognizing me but I don't make a big deal out of it. I'm here for my boy and that's it. they can look all they want, I'm exactly where I want to be.

-Taylors pov-

the twins get done with their little toddler class and it's time for the beginner course that starts up again today. Elena has been really quiet all day, but she said she liked ballet and wanted to try it so here we are. I'm not going to push her If she isn't ready though, I would never do that. we are taking everything at her pace, not wanting to overwhelm either one of our new kids.

"you can do this" I whisper to her as all the girls start to get ready to head inside. Just like the others she is dressed in pink tights and a black leotard with her hair in a tight bun. She looks like a little ballerina. "are you sure? I don't want to do something wrong" she mumbles.

Smiling at her I take her hand in mine "You're a wonderful little girl and you can do anything you put your mind to. I'm going to be right outside here waiting for you to be done. Go have fun."

"thank you, Taylor," she gives me a shy little smile. "go on" I usher her in with the other girls, so she isn't late to class. About ten little girls are taking the class and they are all dressed the same because that's what we were told to make them wear.

"mama saucy" Maddie asks for apple sauce as we take our seats to wait for Elena. I hand one to her and one to her brother to keep them occupied until the class is done. Thankfully I brought Hannah with us in case the kids go crazy and need to run off some energy.


It's late when I tiptoe into Elena's room after checking on Jacob. Every night I do this to make sure they are asleep. but just like every other night Elena is crying in her bed and I take a seat on the floor next to her bed.

"do you want to talk about it?" I ask her softly, just like I do every day. I don't want to push her to talk about it, but if she wants to open up to me, I'm here to listen to her with anything she might want to share with me.

She has been acting off ever since she got out of dance class, so I imagine that it might have been hard on her. She is a sensitive little girl and I need to figure out a way to help her handle the emotions that bubble up inside her.

"you don't have to talk if you don't want to. I'm sure it's hard for you to be In a new place with new people. But we are here for you, and we want to be your forever family. There is nothing you can't tell me; I will always take time to listen to you" I continue when she doesn't say anything.

There is shuffling around in her bed, and I hear her soft sobs that break my heart. Not even thinking it over I stand up and take a seat beside her, bringing her into my arms. "it's okay to cry, I'm right here. get it all out."

Gently I rock us from side to side as I try to soothe her cries. It's the first time she has truly broken around me and I can't help but feel strangely happy that she let herself dive into the feelings with me present. It's so easy for her to hide inside herself, and deal with it on her own, but letting me in means a lot to me. the only way I can help her deal with the pain is to let me feel it with her.

"I don't want to leave here" she sniffles, and I hold her tighter "Oh honey, you're not going anywhere. You and your brother are staying right here with us" I'll tell her as many times as she needs for it to truly sink in that they aren't leaving anytime soon, or ever. We mean what we say when we say we want them to be family. It feels right to have them here like they were meant to be here all along.

"you can't promise that" she mumbles, and I kiss the top of her head "If everything with the courts goes the way we want it to then yes, I can promise you that. we aren't sending you anywhere else willingly."

Sadly we can't control what the courts decide, if they think we are fit to adopt them, and that this is the right match. But I don't see why they wouldn't think it was a good match for the kids. We have the means necessary to give these kids the life they deserve, there is no arguing with that fact.

"I want to believe you" she sniffles, and I kiss her head again "it will take time, and ill tell you as many times as you need. You're safe, you're here and we aren't going to send you anywhere else. Everyone deserves a forever family, and we want to be yours. Take the time you need." 

hits different - Taylor Swift and Travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now