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A/N so I will wrap up this storyline and you guys are divided between ending this and starting the new Tayvis book or continuing this one. Honestly, I think I will start the new one because I feel like there isn't much more to get out of this one. Of course it is a Taylor and Travis book though, promise you that.

-Taylors pov-

Thank god the court date lands on the day before chemo and not the day after. I have no idea if would even be able to make it here if it was the day after, probably not.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" I ask Elena as I step into her room. We are all getting ready to head out to the courthouse. I sat with her and ordered a special dress for the occasion, and Jacob got a special outfit too. we want them to feel how much we love them, how special they are, and how they can remember this day as the start of something new for them.

She stands in front of her floor-length mirror eying herself carefully. "I think so," she says softly. Her dress is a knee-length soft pink dress that hugs her torso before flowing down her thighs. It has that Audrey Hepburn look I think is really cute on kids.

"you sure you are, okay?" I step up behind her and rest my hands on her shoulders. Her shoulders slump and she can't meet my eyes in the mirror "Hey, what's wrong?" I turn her and tilt her head, so she has to look at me.

"I can't believe this is happening. I don't know how to feel, it's overwhelming" she admits, and I bring her in for a tight hug. "sweetheart it's okay to be overwhelmed. You have been through a lot and now things are permanently changing. However, you feel about that is okay."

I don't want her to hold back her feelings or not feel like she can voice her thoughts out loud. This is a big change even though it is a welcomed one. Elena is a sensitive girl, much more than her brother, so she is bound to have more feelings about this as well. I wish I could uncomplicate things in her mind, and put her mind at ease, but all I can do is be there for her and give her all the reassurance I can. even though they are getting adopted today we aren't finished with the process of getting them to trust us, to feel like they are a part of the family. It will take time, effort and patience.

"do you really want to adopt me? so many kids need homes, who wants to be adopted" she mumbles, and I cup her face. "you are my daughter Elena, and I want it to be official. I don't have any doubt or hesitation about it, you are my daughter."

I wipe her tears and kiss her forehead before we head downstairs together, her hand safely tucked in mine. Travis and Jacob are waiting downstairs and I let go of Elena's hand to bring Jacob into my arms. "are you ready sweetheart?" I ask him as well. I try not to show favoritism between any of my kids, giving them equal attention even though it's hard to balance at times.

"I'm good. how could I not be? I finally get parents, real parents" he grins at me, and I kiss his forehead as well making him groan and wipe it, but I know he secretly likes it, it's the look in his eyes that gives it away. He needs the affection after years of only getting scraps. I'm determined to show all four kids how loved they are every day of their lives.


It's our turn to get the documents officiated so the four of us step up to the judge who asks a few questions. The process is a lot less tiresome than I thought it would be, probably because all the real work has been done beforehand. At this point, it is just a formality more than anything else.

"it seems like all the paperwork is in order. You two just need to sign here and it will be official" the judge says, and we both sign without hesitation. There is no need to think about it, I know what I want, and Travis feels the same way. We just want to get this formality out of the way so we can be the family we want to be.

The judge turns the papers towards her and signs as well. "okay that is it. Elena and Jacob are now in your official care. You will get a copy of the adoption papers sent to you but as far as formalities go this case is closed. Congratulations" It's not an enthusiastic judge or someone who seems like they are having a good day at all, but I don't care. We got this done and now we get to move on from here.

We thank her before I take both kids' hands as we walk out of the courthouse towards our car. Thank god we brought security because cameras are flashing in our faces ready to get the fresh scoop. It's a part of our lives that I've been worried about exposing the kids to, but it's inevitable. There will always be cameras around, even when we can't see them, they are there. It's a part of my life I had to accept, or I would drive myself to madness. Elena and Jacob didn't choose this part, but it comes with being our kids.

Thankfully it doesn't take long before we get to the car and get the kids safely behind the tinted windows. "You two okay?" I ask as I settle in the passenger seat and buckle myself in. "we are fine. but don't they have anything better to do?" Jacob says and I laugh. "one would think they have better things to do, you're right."

Elena seems more shaken up, so I turn in my seat and take her hand in mine "It's okay. They will sadly be a part of our lives, but we can work on ignoring them. It took me a while but once I did it got better" sometimes I still find myself irritated with the constant attention, but for the most part I ignore it. obsessing over it won't bring me joy, and I actively seek out joy wherever I can. ignoring them is what's best for my sanity.

"how about we stop at that frozen yogurt place you kids like? Celebrate a little" Travis suggests which puts a smile on both kid's faces. They love to pick their yogurt and all the toppings. I don't blame them; I think it's fun too. I'm getting the salted caramel one I always get; I know that before even getting there.

It only takes ten minutes to get there, and we walk in together before we start to grab what we want. I make sure to keep an eye on the kids, so they don't get all messy, but they are pretty mess-free kids. Travis pays and then we settle at a table in the corner to eat together.

Jacob got chocolate, Travis got strawberry, and I and Elena both got salted caramel. I hold back a bit with all the toppings, sticking to chocolate chips and caramel sauce, while the kids go crazy with all the different candies. You can hardly see the yogurt under the pile of candy in Jacob's cup.

"This is the best day ever" Jacob grins and I smile at him "I'm glad you think so. It's a pretty cool day," Travis says and bumps fists with him.

It's funny how only a few years ago I didn't see myself in a situation where I would be having kids anytime soon, and now here I sit with four of them. I wouldn't change anything about it, my life wouldn't be the same without them in my life. there is something that happens when you become a parent, the world starts to look differently because it revolves around the tiny humans in your life. the twins came and I didn't think any happiness could match it, but now that I sit here with two more official kids, I feel like all the puzzle pieces are in place. Our family wasn't finished with two kids, we needed Jacob and Elena as well. 

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