we get to stay?

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-Taylors pov-

I've been in bed for the last two days, hardly able to escape it. the first round of chemo hit me smack in the face and I don't remember the last time I felt this horrible. My whole body aches, I have fevers, throw-ups, and chills. If this is what it's going to be like for the next few months, I have no idea how I'm going to do this.

I feel bad that I haven't been able to be there for the kids, but I just can't get out of bed. it's hard enough to make it to the bathroom and back, no chance in hell I'm making it downstairs. Thankfully all four kids have been understanding and visit me here instead. I could tell by the look on Elena's face that this whole thing is scary for her, so I made a point to watch a movie with her last night to ease her mind that I still care. It was hard for me to concentrate and not show how shitty I feel, but it was worth it for her sake.

"take it easy beautiful," Travis says after getting me some lunch. I'm not a big fan of eating in bed, but I'm making an exception at the moment. Sitting up and eating is as far as I can get. Thankfully I do feel a little bit better today compared to yesterday, so there is that at least. Not well enough to go back downstairs but well enough to eat properly. Yesterday I hardly managed anything, but I know how important nutrition is in treatment.

"you're too good to me" I sigh contently as he kisses my forehead. He has been by my side taking care of me since I got home, and I couldn't be more thankful. Thank god I will be done with chemo before the football season starts, I don't know what we would have done if I wasn't. I'm sure I will still be feeling the effects, but at least the infusions will be done with. That is if the blood work comes back okay, you never know if they want you to start over again with the cycles.

"anytime" he is about to leave when my phone goes off and I see it's my lawyer. "that Mr. Passman?" I furrow my eyebrows and grab my phone while Travis takes a seat on the edge of the bed. Mr. Passman has been my lawyer for years, but rarely calls me. if he does it's something important.

"Hello, Mr. Passman," I say as I pick up. "good afternoon Mrs. Kelce. I'm just calling with information regarding the court date for the adoption" he says, and my eyes widen. We have been waiting for this call ever since we decided to keep the kids, and now it's probably here soon.

"Okay. When is it?" I ask. "the state has an opening in two weeks and will be able to hear your case then. It's more of a formality than anything else at this point. It just needs to be made official. That is if you're still set on adopting."

"we are definitely set on adopting them yes" There is no doubt for either of us that we want to adopt them. It was clear from early on that these kids were meant to be a part of our family. Now it's about getting all the legal stuff out of the way, so we don't face problems or restrictions along the way. Right now we can't travel with them outside of the state without applying to CPS because they are technically still foster kids, but that will all go away when the adoption is finalized. We will be their acting parents, able to make all the decisions that we need to make and that we would make for the twins. It's all coming true now and I can't be happier to get this done.

It's not just for our sake but for the kids as well. When the adoption is finalized, they can truly settle her, knowing that they are never leaving us. It can't be easy living in uncertainty about where you will put your head down the next night, even though we try to reassure them this is the ultimate reassurance we can give them.

"then I will confirm the appointment and fly out to attend with you" he gives us more information about how the appointment goes down and what we can expect before hanging up.

Travis has tears in his eyes, and I can't help but feel the moisture in my own as I look at him. "was that the call I think it was?" he rasps out and I nod "We are adopting them" I sniffle. We have been waiting for this call, and now it's finally here. we are going to be a family of six officially in two weeks.

"shall we tell them?" I ask as I wipe my eyes. I love those two so much that I can't imagine life without them in it. and now they are going to be our kids officially, I couldn't be happier.

"I think so. They deserve to know" he agrees before going to get them from downstairs. They just got home from school and are doing their homework dutifully at the kitchen table. At this point, they are old enough to do most of it on their own with a little help here and there. We try to be present in the same room but it's not always possible.

"Did we do something wrong?" Elena asks and rocks back on her heels as she and Jacob enter the room behind Travis. "no nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect" I smile at them.

Of course, the tears wouldn't stay away for long, not when I can see them in front of me knowing that everything is about to change.

"Mr. Passman, my lawyer called. They heard from the state and in two weeks we will have the adoption hearing in court" I tell them and both kid's eyes widen. They look at one another confused and Travis puts a hand on each of their shoulders. "we are adopting you; it's becoming official" he confirms.

"does that mean we don't have to leave" Elena looks me straight in the eye, the hope in hers piercing through me. "yes, you never have to leave. We want to be your mom and dad."

There isn't a dry eye in the room, both kids cry, and we adults can't help it either. It's a monumental moment I wish I could catch on tape to look back at when they are older. They have been in the system for years, living in limbo from one house to another, but now they are getting their forever home. I've wanted us to be that since we meet them, but I can understand they have struggled to believe it until now. now I think it's finally hitting them that we were serious, that this is it for them.

"you really want to be our parents?" she whimpers, and I nod before opening my arms for them. The four of us tuck together in a group hug that I never want to forget. Tears and snot get on my shirt, but I don't care, that can always be washed. This moment I'm going to keep with me forever, there is no fucking way I will forget the look on their face when they realized they get to stay with us. 

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