together again

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-Taylors pov-

It was tough to get up early this morning, but so fucking worth it. I got on the jet as planned bright and early so I could make it here in time. I've been so excited to see him and now that I'm on a little break before the shows in Mexico I'm jumping on the chance to see him. He invited me to stay at his place, so I am even tho it's making me a little nervous. Does he want to share a bed with me? Will we have sex? What's going to happen? And most importantly, will the connection we shared still be as strong now that we haven't seen one another in a minute.

The car pulls up into a familiar driveway and I quickly exit the car when I see the man I've been waiting for coming towards me in his shorts and t-shirt. It's so casual but he pulls it off like no one else. I might be a bit obsessed with all things Travis, just might.

"There you are beautiful," he says as he wraps his big arms around me and I sigh contently into his embrace "Travis," I say nuzzling my head into his chest. He smells like spicy cologne and male body wash. I know he just got home from practice by the text I got on the way here.

We pull away slightly and he ducks his head down and when his lips meet mine, I feel like I'm coming home. They are just as soft as I remember, and it feels just as good. I'm vaguely aware we are in an open neighborhood, but I don't care. I need to feel him right away. I tangle my fingers in the short strands of hair at the back of his neck as the kiss deepens. But we pull away before neither one of us has had enough. "let's go inside" he says out of breath.

He takes my hand, interlacing our fingers, before walking me inside. The house is just as spotless as last time and it smells like it has been freshly cleaned. "so full disclosure, you can choose if you want to... eh... share my bed or your own room. I'm going at your speed here beautiful, so no pressure either way" he says after my security drops my bags and leaves us alone.

I bite my lip in anticipation of the choice. The safe bet would be to have my own room, but I'm longing for physical contact. I could pretend it's even a choice when it's not. Of course, I want to share a bed with him. He is good on the eye but more than that he makes me feel safe, something I wouldn't mind feeling for a few nights. "I... yours please," I say and squeeze his hand that's still holding mine. His whole face lights up in a grin and I can't help but smile too.

"And not to sound like a teenager or whatever, but I'm all about doing this the right way. Should we make this official? Do you want to be my girlfriend? Or is it too soon?" his face tint red and it's adorable. That's not even a question to me, because the answer is so obvious. Of course, I want to be his girlfriend. It's a logical step, right?

"of course, I want to be your girlfriend. With all the teenage antics that follow" I tease him, and he lets go of my hand so he can tickle me "Are you teasing me Miss Swift?" he jokes, and I shriek more and more the more he tickles me.

He isn't holding me that hard, so I manage to get loose and sprint away. We run around his house like two teenagers as he tries to catch me, and I slip away. I'm pretty sure he could have catches me already as easily as he does a football but is giving me a head-start. I haven't laughed this much in a long time, felt so carefree. He is just as weird as I am at times, and I love it. Eventually tho he catches me, sweeps me off my feet, and throws me like a rag doll over his shoulder.

"Let me down" I giggle and hit his firm ass with my fists. "no can do, you've mine now. All mine" he smacks my ass before settling us both down on the couch. We catch our breaths while I'm tucked into his lap. I love that he is so strong that he can just throw me around, and take control but not in a bad way. In a world of boys, I have dated he is a man. A man who can get down and have a fun time as well.

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