super bowl

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-Taylors Pov-

the Superbowl is the biggest event in football, everyone knows that. it's practically a national holiday. And this year my man is playing against the dolphins. It's the first Superbowl they made it to since we got together, so it's going to be a big deal to attend it.

but of course, I don't make my life easy for myself and I met with the wedding planner yesterday before we flew to Las Vegas to watch Travis play. I could have done it earlier or waited, but it was the best appointment slot for the one I wanted, and I went for it. it's not like I had any commitments anyway and Travis was busy with football and hardly home. Me and the kids have been more or less on our own for days since he is all in Superbowl mode, already settled with his team in Vegas for the big game tomorrow.

"mama" Maddie giggles from her car seat on the plane and I smile at her. They are almost two years old now, time is flying by in the blink of an eye.

"did you and Travis decide on a date for the wedding?" my mom asks from her seat beside me. She is coming along with me for the games, and my dad too. it's going to be a full family affair with Travis's family joining us in the box as well.

"next spring" we could have done it in his off time this season, but we wanted the time to fully plan everything. Not to mention we are in adoption mode these days and we don't want to do either one of them half-heartedly. Since we don't mind waiting a bit and have a longer engagement, we figured that was the best course of action. What we did know is that we wanted to do it in the off-season so we could have a proper honeymoon.

"Are you sure you want to wait that long?" my dad asks, and I nod "Yes, we don't want to rush this, we want to enjoy every step of the way. And besides we are... going to be busy coming up."

We haven't told anyone about the adoption process yet, been keeping it to ourselves up until now. Things weren't certain and we were having a hard time deciding what was the right fit for us, but now we have and it's a set of siblings joining us at the end of the month, after the twin's birthday. Now is the time to drop the news to the people around us.

"what could make you so busy? Are you dropping another album?" my mom asks, and I shake my head "Well no but maybe. I don't know about that; it depends on where I am in the process of the one, I'm working on now. But it's something else. We are... we are adopting. A set of siblings are moving into our home at the end of the month" I tell them and wait anxiously for a response.

"you're adopting? I haven't heard anything about this yet. Is this something new? Are you sure honey? It's a lot of responsibility and you have toddlers as well as a thriving career" My mom sounds concerned, which was expecting anyway so I'm not thrown off by it.

"It's not sudden, we have talked about it for a while, and we have met with the adoption agency a few times already. It didn't take long to match us up with adoptees" Hard-to-place kids aren't hard to come by, so it didn't take them long to match us up with someone.

We are taking in two siblings and couldn't be more excited about it. it's like we are finding a piece of our family we haven't even met but still know is right for us. This feels like the right step for our family, and I won't take any doubt from anyone with me into the process.

"If you're sure about this we are going to support you. but we just don't want you to make a mistake you will regret later on" my dad says, and I get that, I don't want this to be a mistake either, but I don't think it is. Nothing has ever felt this right before other than having the twins and picking Travis to spend my life with. It feels like this is something I was meant to do.

"This is the right move for us. We want more kids, but it doesn't have to be biological for us to love them, they just have to be right. So a set of siblings are moving in, and we are going to see over the next few months how it's working out. if it turns out to be a match it's going to become permanent" I hope it turns out to be a match, but you never know with these things. It could be a total bust for all I know. There Is no guarantee that these kids are the right ones for us, but I have a good feeling about them, I really do.


We are in the box watching the game and I can already tell the Superbowl is a whole new ballgame, no pun intended. I've actually never been to one before, even though I've performed at Super Saturday night leading up to the Super Bowl back in 2016. The crowd is intense, and everyone is following what's happening like hawks. You don't want to miss anything when you watch a game like this, you want to be on all the time.

"dada yay" Maddie screeches and claps her little hands together as I hold her on the ledge behind the glass. "that's right, yay dada."

"he is playing good today," Donna says as she is standing beside me holding Avery. "he is, I'm so proud of him" I sigh contently. He is amazing and no matter how things end today I will be immensely proud of him. Playing in a Superbowl game, even if you don't win, is a big fucking deal. It's not something you ever take for granted and you can ride that high for a while. Of course, it's even better if you win, but even just being a finalist is a big deal. It means more sponsorships and all-around attention. Of course, there is pressure that comes with it, but according to Travis, it's worth it. he already has two rings under his belt, and I know he really wants a third one this year.

He is getting older so it's only a matter of time before he has to retire. it's not a long-term career you do for the rest of your life, and I know he really wants another ring before that time comes. He talked about retiring after this season, but I don't know if he will actually do it. his brother retired last season and is doing sports PR stuff as well as the podcast they share. His body had taken so much beating over the years, and he had to call it quits finally.

"has he talked more about next season? If he is going to do it or not?" Donna asks me and I sigh "Not really, he is being tight-lipped about it for now. I'm not going to push it; it's his choice and I don't want to push him in either direction. He needs to do what's best for him."

Our lives will change once he retires, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just going to be different. He will be more present and not travel as much, but it's not like I'm not traveling a lot as well. We will make it work either way, I know we will. Maybe he will do one more season, maybe not. That's up to him to decide.

"Knowing him he will think long and hard about it before making a decision," she says, and I agree. Travis isn't one to make big decisions in a hurry, he really thinks it through.


We won! The Chiefs won by one point, and I was screaming and crying for them. Winning this is a big deal, like winning AOTY at the Grammys big. So I'm so happy for them. Maddie and Avery didn't really understand why the adults were all cheering, but they joined in and had a big laugh about it afterward.

Normally after an away game family and such don't get to see the players after the game, rules, and all that. but this is a unique game, so we get to meet up with them after they have showered and done interviews. It takes a few hours but finally, Travis comes through the door.

"dada!" Maddie cheers and toddles over to her dad who picks her up and twirls her around. "dada" Avery mimics and does the same thing. I can't help but snap a picture of my little ones with their dada.

"dada needs to go kiss mama kiddos," he says as he secures one kid on each hip and comes over to me. "you played amazing. That last pass between you and Pat, it was so good" I praise him, and he goes in for a kiss.

"Thanks, beautiful. It was... incredible. And now I get to celebrate with my favorite people." I take Avery from him, freeing up an arm so we can all get in a group hug. "love you" I whisper to him "Love you too beautiful."

"lub u" Maddie chimes in loudly and I can't help but laugh.  

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