telling the parents

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-taylors pov-

Before i fly back to travis i need to do one thing, tell my mom. I cant not tell her that I'm having a baby when the post about the canceled shows just got out. She would have a heart attack thinking something was wrong when it's not. She will probably be excited to be a grandma tho, she loves kids and neither me nor austin has given her a grandchild yet. Little does she know she is gaining two.

I have keys so I walk straight into my moms house and call out for her. "oh sweetie there you are. You almost gave me a heart attack with that post. Whats going on" she comes rushing from the kitchen with her scarf on her head. Out and about she uses a wig since her hair has never been the same after all the chemo, she is self conscious about it, but at home she doesn't wear one. I told her she looks beautiful with her natural hair, but she doesn't feel comfortable and I wont force anything on her.

"I'm fine mom, really, I'm fine" I say and give her a big hug. It's been a while since I saw her in person, since I have been spending so much time in Kansas City, on tour or in new york. Nashville will always be home to me tho, and now that I'm moving to Kansas City it's a seven-hour drive to nashville if you don't hit a major traffic stop.

Together we walk to the living room and take a seat. "do we need wine for this?" she asks, and I shake my head "no more wine for me mom" I say, and she furrows her eyebrows. She knows me well enough to know that I'm always up for wine, no question asked. So it's probably strange for her that I'm turning it down for once.

"Are you sick? Something is going on taylor Alison swift and you better tell me now" she says, and I lay a hand on my still mostly flat belly. She follows my movements, and her eyes widen. "Are you pregnant" she chokes out and I nod as my own tears form. "Yes mom, I am pregnant."

Her eyes grow wetter and the tears flow as she brings me in for a hug "oh honey, I'm so happy for you. is it with travis?" she says as we pull apart and I nod.

"Thanks, and yes its with travis. I need to bring him here soon or fly you to Kansas City so you can meet him. I think you will like him. Ive never been treated like this before, like I'm the center that he prioritizes whenever he can."

We haven't been together that long but travis still does what he can to make sure I know how much he cares about me. I don't have to question his intentions because its written all across his actions. He is all in with me, and the feeling is mutual. Even before the babies I was falling for him, hard, and now it's even more intense. If that's the pregnancy hormones or a natural progression I don't know, nor do I care. I just know I'm falling more every day and nearing the love mark.

"You deserve someone who will treat you right. Someone who will make you the center of their life because you deserve to be a priority" she says. When I first told her that I was dating again she was skeptical, especially after what happened with joe, which is understandable. Both her and my dad wants to see me happy and appreciated, and travis gives me both of those feelings. I truly think he is the right person for me, and when they meet him, I think that feeling is going to be mutual.

"He does treat me right. And to make matters easier for us we are moving in together and equally sharing the deed to the house so it can feel like home for both of us. With the babies coming it's the most logical solution" I say. It makes the most sense that we live together moving forward, and I like the idea of waking up next to him every morning anyway.

"Wait, babies? As in multiples?" She gasps and I nod "yes twins. We don't know if they are identical yet, because they still might not be even tho they share the same amniotic sack. So its just a wait and see. But apparently, I can take a blood test in a few weeks if I want and we can find out the gender with new technology" it's called noninvasive prenatal testing and since its twins we can do it from ten weeks gestation, not earlier. The test also checks for certain illnesses which is good to know beforehand if there are any.

"This is so exciting taylor, I'm so happy for you. I know you have always wanted to be a mother" she says and that's true. Ive always wanted kids, but I never found the right guy to have them with, and it was never the right time anyway. Something always stood in my way, and I kept pushing it longer and longer. But now it's happening and the rest of my life and job needs to adapt accordingly.

-Travis's pov-

Since taylor is telling her parents its only right that I tell my parents as well. I hate that she is so far away right now, but I know she has a meeting in nashville and wanted to tell her mom in person that she is expecting babies. It's a little weird that I'm having two babies with their daughter but have never meet them. We need to change that soon, invite them up here since it's hard for me to leave during the season. My own parents happen to be in town anyway, so I get to tell them in person.

They sit down on my couch, in the house that's in the process of being packed down, and I sit down opposite them. Im worried they will be disappointed in me about getting someone pregnant, even tho they have said they like her. It's a big change to our family that not only taylor is added but now two babies as well. Because taylor is becoming family to me, she feels like home.

"what did you have to tell us?" my dad says, getting right into it.

"taylor is pregnant" I say and hold my breath as I wait for their reactions. It could go either way; they could be disappointed or happy about getting two new grandchildren. It's so early in the relationship that I fear they will be hesitant to accept the new additions, but there is no going back, it's happening.

"Pregnant? Already? Didn't I teach you to wrap it travis?" my dad says, and I choke on air. I love my dad, but I don't want to talk about my sex life with I'm, especially my sex life with taylor, no thank you. "Shut it ed, it's a wonderful thing. He isn't getting any younger and we will have another grandchild to spoil rotten" my mom chimes in. at least she is on board, little does she know that its two new grandchildren.

"What if I told you it's not one but two kids" I say and scratch the back of my neck because it still freaks me out to think about having twins. There is so much extra work with two babies, I have no idea how we are going to do it all, but we will figure out a way together. Eventually we will need a nanny so we can both work, but I want us to raise them on our own as much as possible.

"twins? You're having twins. How exciting" my mom claps her hands together and elbow my dad "I guess if this is what you want, I will obviously be there for you any way I can. But I am worried that this is too soon for the two of you. I mean the relationship is so fresh. And she lives far away. How are you going to make this work. I want you to be realistic about it all son."

My dad has a point, our relationship is fresh. In the beginning stages everything is more fragile, and things haven't solidified enough. But this has put fire under our asses and speed up the process. Dwelling on that won't do me any good, that's for sure. This is happening and we need all the support we can get. Its soon, but just because something happens quickly doesn't mean its wrong. Whats meant to be will be.

"we are moving in together. Half the deed will be in her name and half in mine. That way it will be our house, not just mine she is living in. that was my suggestion, because I want her to feel at home here in Kansas city, not feel like she is just visiting me" I think this will work out, its the best option for both of us and I like the thought of waking up next to her every day, pulling her into me and taking in her body first thing in the morning. Not to mention we get to be together for all the steps in this pregnancy, the big and small things, as well as when the kids get here. We need to do whats right for our little family, no matter what everyone else says. Because that's what we are now, we are creating our own little family, and I couldn't be happier about it. sure, I'm terrified at the same time, but it feels right.

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