kelce visit

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-Taylors pov-

My mom pestered me all week about going to the doctor and telling Travis, but I felt it was overreacting, so I decided against it. at least she didn't go behind my back and tell Travis herself. Not that I think he would overreact like she did, he would see reason. Going to the doctor is a waste of time when it will pass on its own.

I know I'm at risk for serious illness, I'm not stupid. My mom's cancer is genetic, but what are the odds that it would hit me as well? Not big, I'm sure. If I go to the doctor with this, I will just be stressing about something that's nothing. It's better to just wait it out and see. Sure If it keeps growing, I might bite the bullet and see a doctor, but I think I'm fine without it.

"You look like you're deep in thought," Kylie says as she sips on her coffee. Travis's family is visiting to meet Jacob and Elena just like my mom was last week. "just thinking about all and anything" I shrug.

I love hanging out with Kylie, she is a really cool person to be around. Her attitude is amazing and it's like having a sister.

"did you make any more decisions about the wedding? Still next summer?" she asks, and I nod "Yeah, we want to do it in the off-season, it makes things easier" Sometimes I forget that I'm actually engaged, it just passes by my brain at times.

"When are you going dress shopping?" I've asked her to fly out and come with me, which she has been happy to do. it wouldn't be the same without having her with me, along with a few other friends. "in the fall. I don't want to be too early."

I want to find the perfect dress. A dress that's going to make Travis's jaw go slack. I'm not sure exactly what kind of style I want yet, but I will figure that out when I try them on. People say there is a moment when you just know that it's the right dress, and I hope I will get that too. I don't think I will want a poofy princess dress though, rather something sleek maybe? I'm not sure. There are so many options to choose from.

"well I'll be there" She smiles at me and I down half my cup of coffee.

"We are back!" I hear Travis call from the entryway after picking up the kids from school. everyone has already met last night, so Elena and Jacob know the Kelce clan is in the house.

"how was school?" I ask them as they come into the living room in their uniforms. "good" Elena says. "awesome, I got a B on my test" Jacob says.

"good job honey" I hug him before giving Elena one as well. She has grown more comfortable since getting here, but it's a slow process. Jacob on the other hand is a different story. He talks up a storm and is an energetic boy. It's funny to me how two siblings can be so different. But I guess it's the same with me and Austin, and Maddie and Avery.

"Grandma Donna made cookies with chocolate chips" I grin at the kids just as the younger kids come rushing into the room with a cookie each. "mama cookie" Maddie grins and has crumbs around her mouth.

"Did I hear someone say cookies?" Jason says as he comes downstairs from getting their youngest up from a nap. "you sure did. Your mom made cookies with chocolate chips" I remember when I was pregnant and obsessed with mint chocolate chip, anything with that flavor. Now I think it's disgusting again; I can't stand it. that and strawberry milk. How I could eat and drink that stuff I don't know, clearly, I was a mess in the head.

"Grandma makes the best cookies," Wyatt says and gives her mom a little taste of her cookie. "she sure does. Those are delicious," Kylie says with a hum.


I take a shower before bed and once again take a look at the bruises and bumps. I get nauseous just looking at them. They are nasty and I can't fathom why they are on my body. Did I do something to cause this? I know it's not normal to have these things.

Travis comes into the bathroom as I'm studying my body, and his eyes widen as he sees what I'm looking at. "Taylor what's going on?" he asks and comes over to take a closer look. Gently he touches one of the bumps and I wince.

"it's nothing" I shrug and put down my arm to hide it. but there is no hiding how one of my breasts and red and tender compared to the other.

"you need to make a doctor's appointment right away. This is serious. Don't your mom have a history of breast cancer?" he says and brings me into his arms, and I let myself bask in his manly scent.

"she has, both breast and brain cancer to be specific. She got it years ago" he already knows all of this; we have talked about it after all. Can't exactly hide it when my mom has chemo hair and it's been front-page news in the past. Not that it's a secret anyway that my mom has suffered through cancer for years. Now she is living with it. getting regular treatments is prolonging her life. the type of cancer she has can't be cured, but you can live with it.

"beautiful, I know you're probably scared out of your mind. But you need to go to the doctor" he says and strokes my face and I snuggle into his touch. he is my safe place, he is home.

"but Travis. It will go away on its own, I know it will" When I say it out loud it sounds crazy. Because how can something go away if I don't even know what it is? I just don't want it to be what it's hinted at being. It can be other things, right? Like ingrown hairs that create bumps. And the water in the shower could have been too hot and made my boob red. Right?

"it won't go away on its own. And humor your fiancé either way, let's take a trip to the doctor. I will go with you and be with you every step of the way. But we need to get a clear answer about this, just for at least having peace of mind. You might be right, but if you're not it needs intervention." He is so tender in his touch and his words. There is so much love there, so much love between us. I couldn't ask for a better partner in life. there is no one that can compare to him.

"but I'm scared Travis" I admit, and he kisses me softly. "I know beautiful but ignoring it won't make it go away. Let's book a doctor's appointment and take it from there. There are amazing oncologists here that I'm sure would be helpful if we asked them for help" just the word oncologist makes me want to throw up, but I will do this for him. I will go get a check-up because I love Travis and don't want him to be scared on my behalf.

"you will come with me?" I ask and he nods "of course, always. You're not in this alone Taylor. you're the love of my life, I would never leave you to deal with this on your own. You're stuck with me, my love." 

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