who talked?

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-Taylors Pov-

I hate fighting with him. Because we are supposed to be a team so when we aren't on the same wave it hurts and messes with my head. It's hard enough being new parents, but when you're not on the same wave as your partner things get harder. It's one small argument after another, never about big things but still arguments. It feels like there is a cold wall between us, making it impossible to communicate right.

"girl, I know that look. What's up" Kylie come over to where I'm holding Maddie who was crying and waking up her brother. Everyone else is in another room while I've worked on calming Maddie.

I don't know Kylie that well, but from what I do know I really like her. She is one of those brutally honest people that doesn't care about fame and fortune. She loves her family and is passionate about her charities. But she doesn't do bullshit and lies. Just my kind of girl.

"just. things are hard you know?" I sigh. I don't know if it's right to confide in her about my and Travis's issues, I don't know her that well. But I also need some advice from someone who has done this before. Kylie and Jason have three small kids, she has to get it right?"

"with the babies or Travis?" she takes a seat on the couch close to me and looks approachable. For a moment I hesitate, should I talk to her? But I do it because I need to talk to someone.

"We aren't on the same wave these days. They are constantly bickering about stupid shit. It's exhausting on top of the newborn stuff" I tell her honestly. I wish there was some rulebook on how to do this, some guidelines would be helpful.

"I get it. when Ellie was born, and we already had Wyatt, Jason and I went through a period where we didn't talk for a few weeks. It was just too much, and we just coexisted at home. But it fucking sucked" she tells me more about it, how she got postpartum depression and how that aggravated thing even further. She sure had a hard time the second time around.

"My point is, you need to take time for your relationship because without the foundation the house is going to crumble. Go on a date, get a babysitter. Hell, just have a round between the sheets while the babies are sleeping somewhere else. Just... connect on a deep one-on-one level" she says, and I take it in.

We haven't gotten time to nurture our relationship I'm months, not since before the babies were born. It's just been all about taking care of them and me healing that we haven't had a couple's time. it feels wrong to leave the babies so we can have fun, go out, and do something together, but I guess that Kylie is right. And I certainly don't want my relationship to fall apart because of this, no fucking way.


Everyone is sitting in the living room having a good time when my phone goes off. It's tree for the third time today and I've been ignoring her calls. I just know that it's probably something I need to deal with, and that's the last thing I want. So this time I pick up and leave the room. Everyone doesn't need to hear whatever this is.

"hi tree," I say as I pick up. "hi Taylor. sorry to do this to you today. But there are headlines again that can't be ignored. And these are... a little worrisome."

"worrisome? What do you mean?" I furrow my eyebrows. I can't imagine what would be going on with my name out there these days. I haven't been seen in forever for god's sake. Not much to write about.

"There are pictures of you leaving the hospital. But that's not what's worrisome to me. because there is leaked information out there about the babies that people shouldn't have gotten their hands on. Someone... someone spoke to the press Taylor, and I don't know who it is" she says, and I turn cold.

I'm not a particularly trusting person, so I keep the cards close to my chest if it's not one of my closest friends. But someone talked. Someone I've trusted went behind my back and talked to the fucking press about my babies.

"What did they get their hands on?" I say and bite my lip. I need to know how bad it is. If it's small stuff or something serious.

"They gave genders and names. The media is taking it and running with it. you can imagine how much it has blown up by now, only in a matter of a few hours. I'm getting asked for confirmations left and right. So I need to know what you want to do Taylor" she says. I sink down on a chair in the kitchen, putting the phone on speaker so I can rest my head in my hands.

"I don't have the energy to deal with this shit. And now I need to seriously consider who to trust. I thought my circle was tight as fuck, but clearly, someone talked to someone they shouldn't" I sigh. This is a mess, things I didn't want to come out there are now out. it feels like it's all my fault, that I have talked to someone I shouldn't.

"not to throw anyone under the bus Taylor, but it might not be someone from your circle. It could be someone from Travis's circle as well. The outlet that broke the news is being tight-lipped about who gave the tip" she says, and it stings. Of course, it's not just my circle that are suspects, his is as well. I just hate that my crazy life is dragging Travis into this as well.

Speaking of Travis he comes into the kitchen, and when our eyes meet his brows furrow. "what's wrong?" I might as well get it over with and tell him about what tree has been telling me. he seems just as pissed off as I am.

"Is there any way to get ahold of the reporter? Get them to crack about their source?" Travis asks Tree who denies it "No, I know this one. He is uncrackable. There is no getting information out of him, we are in the dark here Travis."

"It's weird Pia hasn't called me yet then. She is usually early with this stuff" Travis says and checks his phone where there are no calls from his publicist yet.

"she might be trying to do damage control before calling you. I've been in contact with her earlier today to cooperate with your team, Travis. They seem just as shocked as us" tree continues, and I draw blank. I don't want to deal with this, I don't want our babies in the media. They are babies for god's sake, and now their private information is out there for anyone to see. Now people know their names and there is nothing I can do to change that now. There is no turning back once the cat is out of the bag.

"well I don't want to say anything, I don't want to make more noise around it. it's out there but I don't need to comment on it" I say and rub my temple. This is a mess and I'm wrecking my brain for who might have talked, who we can't trust.

"I agree with Taylor, let's not make it worse. Say no comment on anything and just hope it blows over soon. It's important to protect the privacy that's left" Travis points out and I agree with him. Let's not make it worse. And the privacy they have left needs to be a priority, I want them to keep as much of it as possible.

We talk a little more with tree before hanging up. I look up at Travis just as he is looking at me. there is longing there, and I miss him. "I'm sorry," we both say at the same time.

I furrow my eyebrows "What are you sorry for?" I ask.

"for being the ass that keeps arguing with you" he sits down on another chair and takes my hands in his. "we need to figure out how to do this all without the arguing, it's not good for us. We need to be a team in all of this."

"I was going to apologize for the same thing" I mumble because I really was. We can't be arguing when things are so crazy around us. And we need to find a way to get back on track with our relationship as well. It can't be going down the drain, I refuse to let it.

"I think we should go out, on a date. Just me and you tomorrow. As one or more of them to look after the kiddos so we can have some time just the two of us," he suggests, and I agree with him. It's just what Kylie said was smart to do, we need some quality time. "let's do it, let's do something together tomorrow."

We are going to get our relationship back on track because we have to. And then we are going to figure out who went behind our backs, who is leaking stuff to the press

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