going home

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-Taylors Pov-

Home.... we actually get to go home. Take our babies, and our preemies, and go home. I can't believe the day is here, and I'm fucking terrified that we are going to mess this up somehow.

"here are the discharge papers" Nurse Charlotte comes in and hands Travis a clipboard with papers. He has taken the day off work, and the next couple of days, to help out with getting the kids situated at home. Thankfully I don't have work until November when I have the eras tour dates in South America. So I have plenty of time to get the kids all set up at home and grow into bigger babies.

"Princess, we get to go home today. Isn't that exciting" I coo Maddie as I bounce her slightly. They are at the gestation they would have been if I carried them as long as we hoped, 38 weeks, but it didn't work out that way. But everything worked out and we get to go home now, that's all that matters. The last 2,5 months have been hard, but we have gotten through it.

"thank you for all the help, Charlotte. It means a lot to us" I tell her, and she smiles at me "My pleasure Taylor. it's been a joy watching Avery and Maddison grow."

Everything gets signed and we go to put the kids back in the car seats they used for the car seat test earlier. They need to sit in the seat without apnea for an hour before they can be discharged, and both kids aced the test.

Avery has been a little behind Maddie the whole way through our stay, but he is just fine to go home now according to the doctors. They both are if we are to believe them. But I can't help the lingering fear in my core about this being too early. That something will go wrong. It's their first time out in the world and something could happen without the doctors nearby. This can't be just me feeling this right? It has to be something common around here. or am I just weird?

"how do we do this again" I mutter to Travis who chuckles as we buckle them in. These things are complicated, but we manage to get both kids secured and put them in the base for the double stroller that's waiting right outside the room since it's too big to go through the door.

"do we have everything?" I ask as Travis takes their bag. "sure do" With that we say goodbye to the nurses on our way out. the nurses who have been keeping our babies alive for all this time, who are now leaving it in our hands to take it from here. now it's on us to make them stand up as citizens of society, to make sure they find their place in the world.

We already put our own bags in the car, so it's just the little bag for the kiddos. They are in matching onesies in neutral colors, but we covered them with a blanket as well. It's only early May, after all, still a bit chilly outside. They are both at risk for things like serious pneumonia since they are premature.

"This is what it looks like outside munchkins. There is a big sun and lots of trees" I cook them as we get outside the hospital. Their little lungs get to take in fresh air for the first time. it's special to me to get to leave with them. I have been good at taking some time outside the hospital as well recently, after that confrontation with Travis, but it's not the same as getting to go home for real now.

Travis puts the car seats in the car, and I climb into the middle. We don't want them to be alone back here for their first few car rides, so I'm riding in the middle for a while.

Just as we hit the road Avery starts to scrunch his face, getting ready to wail. "no, baby Avery. Don't cry. It's okay. We are just in the car going home" I coo him and let him grasp my finger. I just pray to god his whimpers aren't going to make Maddie cry as well.


The car ride home was long and torturous, both kids were crying nonstop, and I felt like I was losing my mind already. But now we are at least home and can get them settled in the freshly cleaned house. Every inch is cleaned from top to bottom for them to arrive home. With preemies, they are more susceptible to illnesses, and I don't want to take chances unless I have to. hiring someone to make our house spotless sounded like a good investment.

"you get Avery and I'll get Maddie" I call over the car to Travis as I pull Maddie's car seat out of the car. Thankfully I can carry heavy again after the C-section since it's been so long since the birth. That will come in handy when taking care of the babies.

I take her car seat and head inside, "this is our home, Maddie. Mommy and daddy got it already for you and your brother to come home to us" I tell her, and she looks up at me with big eyes, at least she stopped crying.

Putting her down I get out of my shoes before unbuckling her, picking up my little girl carefully. When you have preemies, you don't really start to count the milestones by week until they hit their original due date. So by now, she is at the newborn level since their due date was yesterday. Now we can count the weeks from here even though she technically is 2,5 months old. It's sort of confusing but it's obvious she isn't on the level of others at 2,5 months, so it makes more sense to do it like the doctors said.

Travis comes in after me and does the same with Avery. In the living room, we have two businesses for them, so they don't always need to be held or upstairs. It's important for them to have a firm flat surface to lay on to prevent serious complications, just like with every newborn. I lay my little girl down and take her in. She is so tiny, smaller than a normal newborn, but so perfect.

After Travis gets Avery situated as well the two of us throw us elves on the couch for a well-deserved rest. It's going to be intense moving forward, being on our own with them and not having the nursing staff on hand. But I know we can do it. eventually, we need to hire a nanny as well, for when we are working and such, but for now, I want us to do this on our own and on our own terms.

"This is really happening. We are at home with them Taylor. fuck we are parents" Travis says running his hands down his face. When we met neither one of us thought we would end up here, but here we are. In a big house, we own together with two babies that are dependent on us. it's crazy how fast things can change. I was in the middle of a tour but had to put my whole life on hold for this, and now things are moving forward. The kiddos are here and life with them is really starting to begin now.

Speaking of life... it doesn't take long before one child starts crying and the other one follows. We are in for some long days and nights ahead of us. but I wouldn't be without them either. They are everything. 

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