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-Taylors Pov-

It's the first game of the season and I'm so excited for Elena and Jacob to experience their first football game in person. Especially Jacob. He is having so much fun being on a football team and hasn't shut up about how excited he is for today.

Elena and Jacob are settling into our family nicely, and it makes me so happy to be their mom. We aren't a conventional family, but who decides what's the norm? they are just as much my kids as the twins are, and whoever tries to tell me differently can go fuck themselves.

"This is so cool mom!" Jacob is practically bouncing as we take the golf cart from our car and to where we are supposed to go. And yes, that's my new title, Mom. It made me so excited when they asked if they could maybe call us mom and dad, I couldn't be happier about that development. Being their mom is the greatest gift that anyone could give me, and I hope they feel like they truly belong with us. Our family wasn't complete before we met them, but now it feels like the puzzle is complete.

"Daddy play" Avery agrees as he sits in his nr 87 jersey. All the kids have matching jerseys with his number on them which makes me happy. I had to take plenty of pictures on our front step before we left the house to remember this moment. "That's right Avery, daddy plays football."

It might be his last season, but he hasn't decided yet, he won't decide until after his season is done. Only time will tell if he makes it to yet another Superbowl or we get an early vacation. No matter what I'm so proud of him for everything he does.

"and Jacob" Avery adds, and I smile. He likes to watch his brother throw around the ball in our backyard and he has gone to a few of his practices. "that's right, Jacob plays football too."

We get to Travis's box and head inside. Both his parents are already there waiting for us, as well as Jason, Kylie, and their girls. It makes me so happy that everyone is here for the season opener, and I know it means the world to Travis for everyone to be here. he is a family man and likes to spend as much time with everyone as possible. We make a real effort to be together as much as possible, that's why I don't travel much during the season. I try to go to every game as often as I can because I know how much it means to him that we are there.

"Daddy play football" Maddie grins as presses her little face up against the glass at the front of the room. From here we have an amazing view of the field even though we are high up. Before me the Kelce family used to sit in the stands for the most part, that's Kylie's favorite, but I can't because of safety reasons. The stadium security has asked me to use the box and avoid the bleachers for everyone's safety, and I don't mind following it. it makes it easier for kids to be up here anyway because there is a bathroom easily available and plenty of snacks for them. It's also safer with a closed door and just familiar people in here, it gives us more privacy even though there are plenty of pictures taken of us from the outside inn.

"Taylor honey, it's so nice to see you," Mama Kelce says and gives me a big hug after greeting the kids. it makes me so happy that both our families treat Elena and Jacob just like they treat the twins. They get hugs, kisses, and attention just like any other kid in our families. "it's good to see you too Donna, it's been too long."

Donna has been on vacation recently, so I haven't gotten to see her, only talk on the phone. Travis gifted her a cruise and she isn't one to turn down a vacation. He is a real mama's boy and has always been that way. That fact was clear the first time I saw Travis with Donna, he gravitates more toward his mom than his dad, always looking out for her.

We settle in our seats as the game starts, Avery in my lap and the kids flanking both my sides. "this is amazing. I want to do that one day, play in the NFL" Jacob announces, and I smile at him "Work hard and maybe it will happen. It's not easy but I believe in you."

I love going to games and feeling the energy at the stadium. Everyone is invested in seeing the game play out on the field, and I get sucked right into it along with everyone else. It took me a while to learn all the rules, but everyone was patient as they explained it to me. now I holler along with everyone else in the box as I understand what's going on down there, not just pretending to. I also know how much it takes for those men to be out there, and what it demands of their bodies and their private lives. It's not easy being an NFL player, it takes a toll on every part of their lives. But seeing Travis doing what he loves, every sacrifice is worth it.


After the game we wait by the exit to the locker room for Travis like I always do. on home game days we get to see him after the game unlike away games where they leave with the team. This is one of my favorite parts, finally seeing him again up close and getting to hug him, especially on days like today when they win. But win or lose I will always run into his arms and soak up the comfort.

He comes out of the dressing room and the kids all run towards him. "Daddy!" Maddie shrieks and throws herself at him. Effortlessly he picks her up and spins her around before hugging the other kids. She is a real daddy's girl these days. It makes me so happy to see the kids with their dad, he was born to be a dad. That's why I stand back and wait for them to have their turn with him before I let myself go up to him. I know this first greeting after a game is important to Travis, and I will always let the kids soak it up before me. That's what happens when you become a parent, you put your kids before yourself.

As the kids settle down, he steps up to me and I wrap my arms around him. "you did so good" I mumble as my head is pressed against his firm chest. "it was good. but nothing is better than this, this moment right here" he says, and I couldn't agree more. Our jobs is just that, a job. I love it, and I know he does too, but it's nothing like what we feel about our little family.

I've been in my fair share of relationships over the years and had my heart broken time and time again. I lost hope that that I would ever get to this place, a place where I'm a mother and a wife. That's what's different about finding your person, the person that you know you're going to grow old with. It hits different.

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