Gala part 1

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-taylors pov-

I really don't feel like going to this thing. But at this point it would look bad to not attend. I might be able to get away with a pregnancy thing, but that would leave Travis to fend for himself. Can't do that. So here I am getting ready for a Christmas gala hosted by the MET which is new for them this year.

"You look gorgeous" tree says as she watches them make me presentable. I don't feel pretty, and my belly is sticking out even more now at 16 weeks. I feel like a balloon who is about to get even bigger. How my skin can stretch this far I don't know.

All I know is that I'm seeing the start of stretch marks on my sides and has a full-on panic attack about it yesterday. Travis managed to calm me down, but I was a mess. How can he find me attractive now? I'm huge and going to get bigger. My body will never be the same again after this.

The dress is tight but stretchy. It's slightly uncomfortable but wearing clothes at all has annoyed me this past week. I walk around at home in just my underwear, or even without that. I just can't deal with clothing much these days. It's so annoying to feel the fabric against your skin, I hate it. I resent it. I refuse it.

"Can't I just be naked?" I argue as the dress is tucked in the right places and all the hems looking crisp. "That would be some headline" tree mumbles and I can't help but laugh.

"We talked about this beautiful. Outside the house it's good to wear clothes" Travis comes into the room, all dressed up, and says. He looks good enough to eat, like a tasty bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream with whipped crème. "Doesn't he look good enough to eat" I sigh to my team.

There are some awkward laughs and Travis's face is tinted pink. But he does. I could eat him right here right now. But we got to go to this event thing.

He comes over and helps me stand up "How are you feeling? Any pain, discomfort, or anything telling us it's not a good idea to go tonight? Be honest with me beautiful," he asks, and I sigh. "Does wanting to eat you count?"

"No that doesn't count. Flattering but doesn't count" he states, and I tell him that I'm otherwise fine. At least I have on shorter heels than usual tonight, no way I could walk with my usual height.

We do some final touch-ups before we are out the door for the red carpet. "If you feel off at any point, tell me and we are out of here. I don't give a fuck how it looks; your health is most important beautiful" he says softly in the elevator on the way down.

"Haven't we agreed you're supposed to be less perfect. Let a girl at least have a shot to come close" I grumble. He really knows what to say at the right times, and it's driving me up the walls. He always seems to know what I need, when in hungry and when I just need to be held. He knows it all and I don't appreciate it. But I guess I would be mad if he didn't know as well. So it's really a damned if you do damned if you don't kind of deal.

"Sorry not sorry beautiful" he says and kiss my cheek right before the doors open and the blinding lights hits us.

The Met in New York is decked to the nines perfectly and overseen by Anna herself. She does all the balls here and really has a eye for what she does. I haven't been to a single Event by her that hasn't been spectacular down to every detail. This is no exception.

It's like stepping into a ice winter wonderland. It's not the cheesy Christmas vibes you would probably expect from a Christmas Ball but sophisticated instead.

Tree directs us to the carpet where we are screamed at by guys with big cameras all about how to stand and what to do. Ive done this a thousand times, but I never get used to how loud it is. But I Suck it up and pray for the best pictures possible.

I know there is going to be lots of noise about us being here together, and me being pregnant, so I want to put our best foot forward and look our best. It's going to be plastered all over the headlines so it's important we at least look decent. Not hard for Travis, he is a hottie, Its harder for me. Even being pregnant there is a measure of beauty I'm expected to live up to. You're either too skinny, to fat, have saggy parts or doesn't look as good as this other celebrity that was pregnant at a similar event. It's fucking exhausting and I don't really want any part of it.

But we get to the end of the carpet and is lead towards the exclusive part of the gala where the man with big cameras is not allowed. The part of the gala that somewhat remains a mystery to the public.

But there is nothing mystical about the guy I spot across the room right away. The man I hoped not to run into. Joe

A/N I know this is a shorter one. Im
Sorry. I have a cold thats kicking my ass

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