Important emergencies

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-Taylors pov-

It's Grammy nomination Day and I'm a nervous wreck. I've submitted midnights and speak now for several awards and now it's all about waiting to see if I get nominated. I try not to get my hopes up too much, in fear of disappointment, but I also can't help it.

So instead of sleeping at six am, I'm on a mission to the kitchen for some ice cream to make me feel better. Whoever invented that stuff is a genius. Especially those who figured that combining chocolate chips with mint was even better. The younger me missed out on the good stuff by hating it on pure principle.

But opening our freezer I'm met with a horror sight, we are empty. That can't be right, we can't be out of the good stuff. How am I supposed to calm down now? With Travis's boring chocolate ice cream? I think not.

This needs to be fixed ASAP, no time to order it. So I grab some car keys and write a note. He will surely understand it's an emergency, right? Because it is one.

I sneak out of the house and get into one of the cars before backing out of the driveway. I don't drive much anymore, but I do love the control it gives me. It's just that I usually have a driver, my security or Travis take me. But this is an emergency I can handle all on my own. No need for security, I've got this.

Thankfully we don't live far away from a convenience store, so I Park the car, pull on a ball cap, and head inside. I will be really upset if they don't have what I'm looking for. But as I reach the ice cream aisle my phone starts going off like crazy.

I see it's Travis and my security both trying to get ahold of me. But I left a note tho, it should be fine. They can be so overdramatic at times, a girls got to do what she got to do. Ignoring them I find what I'm looking for, grab three boxes just in case of another emergency and check out. No Muss no fuss.

"Miss are you Taylor Swift?" the cashier, a girl in her early twenties, asks me in the otherwise deserted store. I figure that I could lie my ass off and say I'm someone else. But what if she finds out the truth and then say I was rude?

"Yeah I am. Nice to meet you" I greet her, and she asks for a picture before I leave. I do not look good in that one, but I guess that's what I get for leaving the house in pj shorts and one of Travis t-shirts before just throwing a jacket over. Not my finest look.

Getting home was a bit of a challenge as I haven't actually driven much myself in this city. Probably could have used the gps on my phone but I forgot until I arrived back home.

Back home to a very angry-looking boyfriend. What crawled up his butt? He could have just stayed asleep since I was perfectly fine doing something myself. I'm not incapable of such things. I can do important errands on my own thank you.

"Taylor where he hell where you? You can't sneak off at night. And not even take security" he yells at me and run his hands down his face.

"Don't yell at me" I naturally yell back of course.If he can tell so can i. And we both know who has stronger lungs between the two of us. 

"You can't be acting reckless like this. Have you any idea how worried I was" he continues, and tears start to flow down my face. "But it was an emergency."

"Ice-cream is not an emergency Taylor" he argues, and I stomp past him to the kitchen. "It is. You just don't get it."

"Oh, I think I do. But you could have woken me instead of walking off alone. Something could have happened to you. What if one of your stalkers were nearby? What then?" why does he have to be all rational? it's quite annoying actually because I also know that I'm right. And we can't both be right.

"I had it handled. You have practice today. Can't bother you with my cravings and have you all grumpy on the field" I argue.

"First of all. I wouldn't be grumpy; I can survive on less sleep if need be. And most importantly I would much rather take less sleep if it meant that you were safe. I just want you to be safe Taylor. It's not more complicated than that. At least shouldn't be. But you're making it hard" he runs his hands through his shortly trimmed hair. It's not enough to actually get a grip on some.

"But I... But... but" oh brain fart. He is just too perfect. "Please just wake me," he says before I can say anything more. "Not in an emergency Travis. It was serious."

"Beautiful. I love you. But let me handle the emergency next time. If nothing else but for my sanity" he pleads his case and I relent.

"Fine. But then I reserve the right to call you out on your grumpiness" we agree on that, and I make myself some well-deserved ice cream after my adventure.


I'm not a wreck. I'm just so nervous that I keep cleaning the house with Travis hovering like the babies might fall out if I keep walking. I'm only 13 weeks along, no one is vacating my uterus anytime soon. No eviction notices have been sent out to the inhabitants, so they are free to cook longer. 

Grammy nomination day is one of the most important days in music. Next to the actual awards. The Grammys is considered the gold standard when it comes to recognize the artists at the front of their field. Now I don't always agree with the result, but a lot of the time it's well deserved. I guess it's up to preference, I guess.

So tree is going to call me any minute with what I got or didn't get. Everyone hopes they get the big three. Album, song and record of the year. That's the Holy Trinity right there. I've won album three times but never song even after countless nominations for it. Maybe this will be my year? I submitted anti-hero for it at least.

My phone goes off and I immediately and I drop the gathered laundry to pick it up. "Hello" I blurt out without even checking the caller.

"Good afternoon, Taylor. I'm calling with Grammy nominations" tree knows we well enough to get right to the point, which I appreciate. "Okay" I drag out.

Travis takes my hand and leads me somewhere I can sit before tree starts. "The full list isn't out, so not everything is for certain yet. But looks like you have six nominations. Most importantly the big three" she says, and I can't stop a smile from plastering all over my face.

"Omg" I say before she goes on and tells me about my competition and all that. It's going to be tough, and anything could happen at these things. Only time will tell how it plays out. 

Travis pulls me into his arms, and I stay securely wrapped up in his warm, big, embrace. I'm at the top of my field but also on top of the world in my personal life. What could possibly go wrong?

hits different - Taylor Swift and Travis kelceWhere stories live. Discover now