who is right?

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-Taylors Pov-

It's time, I need to hire a nanny. Travis has been at training camp for a week, and I am drowning at home. It's not only taking care of two babies, but it's the fact that I'm also starting work again myself soon. To prepare I've been having meetings myself all week over Skype, and it's been a hassle when I also have the kids to take care of. It's not working, and I need to fix it ASAP.

"Okay kiddos, let's look at resumes, okay? Mommy needs to find help with you two munchkins" I tell them like they understand from where they are in their bouncing chairs. Yeah, they don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm starved for conversations today, so I've taken to talking to gurgling babies. That's what my life has come to.

Tree sent over a few resumes a few days ago that I've gone over and today I'm meeting with two of them. We have had a temp nanny for date nights, meaning Brittany has been a saint and watching the twins, but that's not going to work going forward. She has her own kids, and we need someone stable and permanent for our little family.

I need some normalcy back in my life and to get that I need some help at home now that Travis is back at work full time with training camps. Just because I'm the mom doesn't mean I don't get to do my things as well and to be able to do that I need some help with the kids. There is no shame in admitting that it's too much, that you can't do it all.


"When will you be able to start if you get the job?" I ask Hannah Parker, the best candidate for the nannying job. "right away, I don't have any prior commitments tying me down at the moment."

She just finished her bachelor's in child development and says she loves to work with kids. I don't know her, so I just got to take her word for it, but out of the few I met today, she is definitely the most suited. It was between her and another girl, but I just have a gut feeling about this one.

"we will contact the agency with our decision, and they will get in contact with you," I tell her with a smile that doesn't give anything away. I don't want to say yes or no before I've talked to Travis, these are his kids too.

"thank you for the consideration," she says before taking her bag and leaving the house. Once again, I'm alone with the twins and take a deep breath. A nanny is really needed, I can't go back to work without it, and I need my music to function. Of course, the kids come before work, but I need something to fill my days with other than projectile poops and sore nipples.

My phone goes off and I see it, Blake, so I pick it up. "hi Tay" she says, and I hear shrieking in the back "Yes I will tell Aunty Tay that you have a pretty dress for our trip" she says to one of her girls, I'm betting it's Inez.

Chuckling I hear the kids run away again and I can't help but smile "Hello to you too Blake" I chuckle.

"Just wait, this is your future as well. They interrupt everything you do; I swear to god I can't do anything anymore without one of them in the middle of it" She laughs, and I join in with her. Blake might complain a bit at times, as we all do, but she is the best mom I know. If I have any questions, I can call her day or night.

"I just wanted to confirm we are still on for next week?" she asks. "yes, we are so excited to see you guys."

Blake and her family are flying here for a few days next week and I'm so excited. It's been so long since I've seen her, and I need my fill of her. None of them have met the babies yet either and I'm so excited for her to meet my little precious kids, my whole world.

"good I just wanted to confirm.... No Betty doesn't do that! Tay, I got to go" she hurries at the end and runs off to help or do damage control. As much as it looks exhausting what Blake is doing, I can't wait until my little ones are up to no good and being their own little persons.


"We are picking Daddy up from work today huh? Isn't that fun?" I ask the kids as we are getting closer to the stadium. To get out of the house I drove him there this morning and I'm picking him up again now. Anything that gets me out of the house today I will do. "are you going to give daddy a big cuddle" I continue to coo them because if you're silent Avery will cry, and I don't want that while I'm driving.

Pulling up to the stadium I wait in front of the stadium in the car, with a perfect view of the athlete's exit. I've been to many stadiums in my life, but Arrowhead has grown a special place in my heart after being here for Travis's games so much. It's a beautiful stadium, not that it's so unique, but I have a lot of memories here now.

The door opens and players and staff start to flood out of the gates going in all directions. There are a lot of players on a football team, and even more staff. Sometimes I wonder where they fit them all. But everyone else fades into the background when I spot Travis coming out almost last with Pia hot on his heel.

They are talking about something, it looks intense, and I wonder what's going on. Travis hasn't told me about any issues going on, but he doesn't tell me every detail of his work life either.

Pia and I have never gotten along, she seems sneaky to me. but you can't get along with everyone, so I've let it go because Travis trusts her, that doesn't mean I need to like the girl though. We can be civil, but I have no interest in getting close to her, she rubs me the wrong way.

She lays her hand on his arm and leans in closer, and my eyes widen. What the fuck is she doing. I can see the flirting all the way from over here, it's so obvious to anyone looking and Travis isn't doing anything. He looks stiff and uncomfortable sure, but he isn't pushing her away either.

"Daddy is in trouble" I mutter to myself. It's one thing that I don't like her, but you don't flirt with your boss, that's bad taste and everyone knows it. Travis is her boss for god's sake, but here she is hitting on him. Something has always been off with her so I sadly shouldn't be that surprised that she would pull something like this.

After what seems like forever, they end the conversation and Travis comes towards the car with a big smile on his face when he sees us. I open the door and leave the car running for the kids to have air-conditioning inside while I talk to Travis.

"What was that?" I ask the second I close the door. He furrows his eyebrows "What was what? Hello to you too Taylor" he chuckles.

"you know exactly what I'm talking about. She had her hands all over you." I argue and he sighs "Pia? That was nothing. She was just... being friendly that's it. There is nothing there. You're overreacting" he argues back.

"I'm not overreacting. She was coming onto you, and you did nothing. Nothing Travis. Do you know how that makes me feel? Pretty fucking bad if you didn't get it. She is bad news and I have been biting my tongue about it because she works for you. but goddamn it's Travis, she is unprofessional" I could go on and on about all the things wrong with Pia but then we would be here for a long time. not that Travis seems to actually be listening to what I'm saying at all.

"This is just... are you jealous Taylor? because there is nothing for you to worry about. I love you and have zero feelings for Pia" he says, and I roll my eyes "No I'm not jealous, I'm worried. She is up to no good, but you won't listen."

We end in a staring contest, neither one wanting to let up because we feel we are right. Why can't he just listen to me?

"for all we know she is the one leaking to the press" I throw my hands up and I want to scream. Why can't he see what's right in front of him. "that's a serious accusation, Taylor. pia has been with me for years; we can trust her."

"Well, I don't trust her, certainly not with our kids" I point out. there is no fucking way I'm putting any of my trust in her. There is something smelly there and it's not our babies' diapers.

Our fight is cut off short by crying from the backseat, so I climb into the car between the car seats without saying another word to Travis. There is nothing left to say, he won't listen. 

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