Chapter 312: My Romantic Comedy is Wrong, but it gets Worse

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2 days before the reunion party

At the hotel

3rd person POV

Kazuto: Okay, we only have two days left before the party. What now? 

Yuuichi: Well, all we can do is wait. Our priority is to protect Yukinoshita-san. We don't know when the mafia will strike during the party, but we have to keep our guard up. 

Asuna: I agree. 

Kei: Though the one issue is that we're kinda outmatched in terms of weapons. Those guys have guns remember??

Yuuichi: But we're carrying pistols too, though you have a point. I wouldn't bring a pistol against a rifle any day of the week. 

Kazuto: So, we're just going to keep an eye on things. I mean just the four of us against them?? I don't think I like our odds. But even so...unless we can stop them before reaching the school. 

Yuuichi: Like I said, that won't be possible. If the mafia are going all in. You'd expect another squad of mafia members to attack if we decide to prevent the other from getting to the school. 

Kei: He has a point.

Kazuto: So, we really are going to make our stand in the school itself. 

Yuuichi: Exactly.

Asuna: But wouldn't that endanger the people in there? I feel like we need backup. Can't we just call Kiyotaka-kun? 

Yuuichi: No, besides, Ranpo already told me a plan that can help us deal with them by ourselves. 

Kei: Huh?! You never told me you were discussing with Ranpo-san!? 

The couple were also surprised that only Yuuichi was the one to be told of a new plan. 

Yuuichi: That's why I'm going to discuss what Ranpo told me. Also, he told me that the rest is up to us at this point. 

Asuna: What do you mean?

Yuuichi: His plan wouldn't fully guarantee to work since he mentioned to me that it's a gamble since the hands of these people attending the party is on us. That's why he's giving us free reign to add another plan on top of his to prevent any injuries or worse and to make sure that the mafia wouldn't predict our plan in case Ranpo's plan would fail.

Kei: I get it. They'd be wearier of the detective than us. I bet they'd be too focused on Ranpo-san than us even since I can tell that they seem to underestimate us. 

Kazuto: So, what's the plan?

Yuuichi: There's something we can do though even this one is a bit risky as well.

Asuna: What is it?

Yuuichi: If Hikigaya claims that the murderer is Daigo and with the mafia coming to do their job. There's only one thing we can do to deal with them both.

Kazuto: And that is...

Yuuichi then begins to explain the plan that he had in mind and the one with Ranpo which is protecting Yukinoshita at all costs through certain means.




Inside of a cafe

A certain girl was all by herself as she puts a bit of sugar in her coffee.

As Haruno was about to take a sip.

Haru: You put that much sugar on your coffee? 

Suddenly Haru was behind her from a different seat.

Haruno: Coming from the guy who puts more water in his coffee. 

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