Chapter 417: Mahesvara meets Faust

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Goethe POV

The pursuit of knowledge. 

It can be both beautiful and also dangerous. 

It's been said for centuries that knowledge is power. 

However, knowledge can also become an obsession. 

It forces you to go into the depths in which you can never return.

Knowledge can make you do unspeakable things in order to obtain it.

Whether it's murder, genocide, manipulating those around you, or worse.

In my case, I had to sell my soul to a demon.

Why you ask? 

It's because of the thrill of discovery. 

As a scientist, my only goal is to learn, explore, and study new discoveries.

Even if it means the suffering of others.

It can't be helped. That's what science is about.

There is always a price to pay for progress.

I do not seek power or money.

I simply want to attain scientific discoveries that no human has ever been able to be capable of achieving.

That's simply my curious nature at work.

The grim kind, sure. However, that's the reality of science, is it not?

I have no real motivation other than curiosity. 

Is that wrong? No, it's just human nature.

It's within our DNA to discover new things. 

Don't get me wrong, I didn't join Fyodor for the sake of his psychotic scheme of destroying the world.

No, we both simply made a deal where I get to continue my scientific pursuits so long as I provide my services and tech to him.

Yes, it does sound like I made a deal with the Devil but that is the price for knowledge. 

I don't really care for what happens to everyone else. 

For as long as there is progress to be made. What does human lives matter to me anyway?

They are all nothing but guinea pigs for my scientific endeavors.

 That's the life I live even if others lose theirs.




Yotsuba Research and Development Labs (Facility Omega)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the mad scientist of Apocalypse and is considered to be the closest in terms of intelligence to Fyodor himself.

Cold, calculating, and ruthless.

His only purpose in life is to achieve scientific greatness. Though his methods for achieving said scientific greatness is by means of harming others without a show of remorse.

He was already waiting at what looks like a fairly large area that leads to different other hallways.

Goethe: Hmm...things are...oddly quiet.

As he stood there with caution.

He then hears footsteps heading his way at one of the four hallways.

The footsteps were coming from the hallway that he's facing.

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