Chapter 384: Conspiracy

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3rd person POV

The Crimson Shinigami are now confronting their guest. 

A guest that some of the members didn't expect given that the person before them is a member of the Black Organization. A mysterious woman named Vermouth. 

Haru: Now, shall we get to business?

Vermouth: This must be the entire group. I don't think I've seen everyone together yet. 

Ronin: Wow, I didn't know she was a beauty. 

Yamazaki: Well, if you must know. She is a professional actress. Her skills in both deception and manipulation had garnered her a seat at the table among the Black Organization's higher ups. She is the best of the best. 

Vermouth: You're too kind Umeshu-kun or do you prefer Yamazaki instead? 

Kiryuu: Umeshu?

Yamazaki: It's my former codename when I joined the Black Organization. 

Kate: Japanese Plum wine. Your codename is based off a drink huh? That goes the same for Vermouth.

Vermouth: Most Black Organization members are named after a specific alcohol drink. 

Ronin: I'm already getting drunk just thinking about it. 

As he spoke, he was drinking beer. 

Kate: Yeah, because you were literally drinking there. Also, where did you get the beer!?

Ronin: I bought it from the money I stole from an old lady. 

Reiko: Not gonna lie, that's unnecessarily evil of you. 

Ronin: What, you want me to throw acid at the old lady instead? Now that I think about it. I should've done that instead, that would've been fatally entertaining. 

Vermouth: Anyway, I have what you need. Information on the Black Organization's weapons cache here in Nagoya. 

Haru: Good. 

Vermouth: There's a building just 50 kilometers from here. A bar. Look for a basement, that's where you'll find your weapons. 

Haru: Fine work. I thought you couldn't be trusted. For someone who's working for the Black Organization, I have a feeling that you have a habit of working for both sides. 

Vermouth: What makes you say that?

Haru: Ohh nothing. I am just curious. When Aoto first told me about you, I was expecting you to deceive me in some way. Surprisingly, you chose not to. Is it because you have an agenda that only you know, or because you probably have a feeling that if you deceive me. You'll probably experience something...terrible if you did. 

Vermouth: Listen, I'm only doing what's right. Well, for my own benefit that is. When our organization was given info on you and that boy Ayanokouji. I was a bit intrigued. I never knew that people like you exist in this world. 

Haru: Believe me Vermouth, there are people who are capable of having the most depraved thoughts imaginable. That depravity can mean various things based on a specific context. Though I want you to answer my question. Give me a reason to continue trusting you? 

All of a sudden.

Kiryuu points his gunblade Grave Maker, Suzuki points his pistol and Reiko pointing her sniper at Vermouth. 

Vermouth: Hmm? What's this?

Tadashi: Your organization is now under Apocalypse control. That may be true that both sides of the Black Organization now follow different paths due to their leader's death. 

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