Chapter 345: The Clown's Game (Part 1)

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Tokyo, Japan

3rd person POV

Yukiko: I suppose I will start from the top.

Shiro: Whatever you're about to say, it could be something sensitive. Why don't we find somewhere else to talk about this?

Kunikida: I do agree, whatever you're to tell us Kanzaki-san. I suggest that we do it where no one is spying on us. Knowing our enemy, they might already be keeping an eye on us.

Yukiko: S-Sure.

She suddenly looked at Shiro (Masakatsu). 

Yukiko: It really has been a while huh? Shiro-kun.

Shiro: Yeah, anyways, I do know where we can hide for now so that we can discuss things from there.

Yukiko: Right.

As Shiro plans to head to his car.

Karma suddenly had his hand on Shiro's shoulder with a mischievous smile.

Shiro: Is there a reason for stopping me, Akabane-kun?

Karma: Say Kanzaki-chan, would you like to ride shotgun with Masakatsu-kun?

Shiro suddenly looked at Karma with a bewildered look.

Shiro: What?!

Yukiko: Huh?!

Nagisa: What are you trying to pull?

Karma: I'm not pulling anything. I'm just wandering if she wants to ride shotgun with Masakatsu-kun. After all, it had been a long time since those two hung out.

He grinned like the Devil as Shiro ignored Karma.

Yukiko: I don't mind.

Shiro: You sure?

Karma: (Damn, she actually agreed!)

Yukiko: I don't mind it at all. 

Shiro: Sure.

Yukiko: Really!?

Shiro: Do whatever you want.

Yukiko: That's nice of you.

As this was going on, a confused Atsushi and Kunikida were watching the whole thing.

Atsushi: So ughh...Kunikida-san...

Kunikida: No comment. (Do those two have some sort of history? Kids...they seem to find love much easier than me. Luckily, Dazai isn't here to rub it in my face.)




Much later.

They are all now inside of their respective cars.

Atsushi and Kunikida are in theirs while Shiro, Karma, Nagisa, and Kanzaki are all on their own. 

Kunikida's car is in the front as prior to this he told Shiro to follow him as they drive.

Inside Shiro's car

Yukiko: So, how have you been Shiro-kun? 

Shiro: Not really been fine as of late. For obvious reasons. You watch the news, right? 

Yukiko: I did read several articles of the events that's been happening including what happened at the airport just two years ago and it's really horrible. 

Shiro: I know.

Karma: Yeah, terrorists attacks, the mafia running about Tokyo, you name it. To be honest, I was hoping that you guys are okay in all this. 

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