2-Back at it

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" Oh nana, look what you done started

Oh nana, why you gotta act so naughty

Oh nana, I'm bout to spend all this cash."

The voice of Trey Songz, woke me up from my peaceful dream. Today, is officially the first day of 12th grade, and I'm so happy. I'm just gonna shower and comb my hair, since I already prepared my clothes since last night.

After taking my 30 min shower, I stepped out and starting moisturizing my body then I sat down infront of my counter mirror and starting combing my hair. I decided to just put my hair in a very neat ballerina bun and call it a day.

I put my outfit in after moisturizing my body. Now, just because I'm plus sized doesn't mean that I don't dress fresh when I go to school. After putting on my clothes and jewelry, I grabbed my bag, phone, and car keys and walked out the house.

When, I walked out I saw my handsome baby waiting for me. My sexy ass audi 6. Yeah, my cars are my babies. I checked the time and it's already 7:30, and school starts at 8:15. So, I hurried a little bit because I definitely don't want to be late on the first day of school.


Finally arriving, in the school's parking lot I already see all my enemies for this year...again. I checked my face and hair to make sure everything was okay before steeping out the car.

As I was walking towards the building, I felt something hard hit my back and it caused me to stumble a little bit. I silently groaned before turning around slowly, just to see the face of my biggest enemy yet. Stephanie Brown. The "prettiest" girl and most popular in school.

"Can I help you?" i asked with a bit of attitude

"Oh a little feisty now I see. But, no you cant help me, but you definitely need to help that big ass stomach of yours girl. You almost bumped me there." she said while her clique was laughing

"Look, Stephanie this is our last year in this school. I'm really not up for the non sense this year." i said before turning around to walk away

"Look bitch, I'm not done talking to you." she said grabbing my shoulder so that I turned back to her

"Don't you ever walk away from me, when I talking to you. YOU UGLY FAT AND BLACK BITCH!" she yelled causing everyone in the parking lot to look at us

I instantly became embarrassed and just put my head down and walked away.

I always try to hold my tears back, but sometimes they unintentionally come out anyways. It's very rare that I cry, but sometimes even when I'm always being bullied and judged, it still hurts very much that I just can't be treated normally like everyone else.

After a little while of walking, I found my first period class, AP English.

I knocked on the door, and than a very beautiful white woman opened the door.

"Yes?" she asked politely

"Uhh...this is my first period class. I was wondering if I can stay in here, until class starts." i said

"Ofcourse. Take a seat anywhere you'd like." she said opening the door wider for me to enter

I walked straight to the corner, in the left side of the room because I know most people may not sit in that particular area in the room.


After 10 minutes the bell rang, and alot of people starting coming into the class and sitting in a random seat as the teacher wrote on the board.

"Good morning class." the teacher said with a smile

"Good morning beautiful." the class clown Larry said

"Hello Larry. How was your summer?" the teacher asked

"Could've been better, because I missed you." he said with a straight face

"Larry. Stop." she said while chuckling

"Any ways, for those that are new or don't know me my name is Ms. Hilton, and I am your AP English teacher. This year, we'll be reading three books, and you'll right a essay for each. I didn't want to do any book, that are cliche such as Shakespeare or etc. So, I chose some urban fiction stories that are based on real life that I'm very sure you all will love and enjoy. Any questions?" Ms. Hilton asked

No one responded, so she proceeded with making everyone introduce their selves. I hate this part so much. They finally arrived to me, so I had to stand up to introduce my self.

"My name is Ema Jean Pierre. I'm 18 and a senior." i said before sitting back down

"You forgot fat and ugly." someone on the other side said and everyone started laughing

"Excuse me. None of that is tolerated in here." Ms. Hilton said sternly and the class became silent

I just decided to ignore that rude insult, and start my Do Now. I'm just gonna try my best and not let any one or any thing ruin my year for me.

I'm just worried about how the rest of the year will be, because this only the first day. I guess..I'm back at it.

School outfit in MM

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