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Dwayne closed and locked the door, when both of us were inside of the house.

"Let's go to the kitchen babe." he said walking to the kitchen with my hand in his

He pulled out a chair for me to sit on, then pushed it in when a sat down.

"You ate already Em?" he asked as he took a plate and eating utensils

"Don't worry about me Dwayne. All the food is yours." i said knowing his intentions

"I didn't ask you that. I asked did you did eat already." he said turning around to look at me over his shoulder

"Um...no." I said before signing

He nodded and put two plates and eating utensils on the table. He took two bottles of water out the the fridge, and put one in front of me and one across from me. Then, he took the food out of the bag, and brought the containers to the table with two big spoons.

"Give me your hand babe." he said reaching for my hand

I put my hand in his and he closed his hand around mine.

"Close your eyes and bow you head." he said before bowing his head

I followed as instructed and waited for him to speak.

"Heavenly Father, I thank you for this day. Thank you for the meal we are about the eat, and also thank you for the hands that made it. Bless those that doesn't have, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen." he said before letting go of my hand

"Amen." i said before opening my eyes and lifting my head up

He smiled and opened the containers. His eyes lit up when he saw the rice and fried turkey wings.

"Wow baby. Everything looks and smells so good." he said as he put some rice in his plate, a little gravy on the rice and two peices of fried turkey wings

I just smiled and put my head down.

I then heard kissing sounds and I lifted my head up.

"Stop putting your head down, and take some food babe." he said covering his mouth as he chewed his food

I took a small amount of everthing and put it in my plate.

"This food is really good Em." he complimented with a smile

"Thanks babe." I said smiling as I took another spoon or rice and put it in my mouth

"So....who taught you how to cook?" he asked before drinking some water

"Well, I used to observe mommy in the kitchen. However, most of the things I cook are from common sense." i said before shrugging

"Well, you have good sense then." he said before chuckling

We stayed quiet as we finished eating our meals, before Dwayne decided to speak.

"Can I ask you a question Em?" he asked staring at me

I instantly became nervous

"Uh...sure." I said putting the spoon on my finished plate

"Am I like....your first everything so far?" he asked skeptically

"Like my first boyfriend or kiss?" i asked to reassure his question

"Yeah." he said

"Well..boyfriend yes. Kiss..no." i said before drinking some water

"Well...when did you have your first kiss?" he asked

"Uh...around like 10 years old. It was just a little peck a boy gave me because he friends dared him too." I said

"Oh ok. Well you've never been sexually active at all?" he asked curiously

"Well..no. Like I told you before no one really likes me. So I doubt anyone would want me, to that extent." I said before shrugging

There was a moment of silence after I responded.

"Well, I want you." he said staring into my eyes

I choked and almost spit out my water, before swallowing it.

"Um....oh." I said feeling a bit uncomfortable

"Don't feel uncomfortable or anything. I'm just being very honest, because I see absolutely nothing wrong with you or your body. You see, I've always had some sort of a retish for females with....extra meat." he said before smirking


"Oh...that's good." I said avoiding eye contact

Instead of looking at him, I looked at my phone. While I was scrolling through my phone, it was randomly snached away from me.

I looked up and saw Dwayne staring at me with an emotionless face.

"Um...are you ok Dwayne?" i asked with a bit of worry

He didn't respond, he just bent down and took my mouth into his while lifting me up from the chair.

I was completely oblivious to what was going on and why the sudden kiss. However, it felt sooo damn good.

He suddenly pushed me on the kitchen wall, as he took both of my hands into his and put them above my head as he continued to massage my tongue with his.

"Mhmmm Dw- Dwayne." I slightly moaned into his mouth

He just continued kissing me before moving his lips down to my neck, and collar bone with butterfly kisses and started sucking on my skin lightly

"Ahh...no-ahh Dwayne." i moaned as he started sucking the side of my neck a little harder then before

He paused for a minute and brought his face back in front of mine, while breathing heavily.

"Can I pleasure you Ema?" he asked while bitting his bottom lip and staring into my eyes softly


"U-Um...Dwayne what does that mean?" I asked honestly not understanding

He smirked and lifted me up with both of the legs in each of his arms and him in the middle of them.

"You're going to learn today baby." he said with a smirk before pecking my lips and going up the stairs in his house

I'm very interested to know, what he's going to teach me.

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