32- Missing

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Two weeks later


It's been about two weeks, of me sending threats to Ema and others that I feel are in the way of my plans. I have a special someone that's always keeping me updated on every move that Mark and Ema makes.

I know many people may call me crazy, but they've just never been in love like I am. I've been with many men before, but it's something about Mark that I don't think I'll ever get over.

Maybe it's the dick.

I don't want to harm anyone, however I'll do anything to get my Mark back. Whether it be that I kill, kidnap, or etc to get my man back. I know he still loves me, but obviously that fat ass girl has him blinded.

I will get Mark back.


"Dwayne what the hell is your problem?!" I yelled as I grabbed his phone out of his hand

"Yo! Don't ever grab my stuff out of my hand again." he said sternly as he snatched his phone out of my hand

"Don't you dare threaten me. I'm talking to you, and you're just paying attention to your damn phone. Listen to me!" I yelled with frustration

"You know what? I'm out." he said before standing up from the chair and started walking towards the door

"And where the hell are you going?" I said as I pulled him back with his shirt

"Get off of me!" he growled as he walked out



"I'm really tired of his damn attitude." I mumbled as I took a sip of Hennessey

"Baby I told you to leave him, but you just want to continue to take his crap." Dave said before shrugging

"I- I love him. I don't know what to do to get hi-"

"Shhh baby. Don't worry about him. You know exactly why he's acting like that." he mumbled as she pecked my lips

"I know. I just want him to get over her already. Like, what the hell does she have that I dont?" I scoffed as I slightly pushed Dave off of me

"Only he knows. But, in the mean time let me make you feel better." he said before pulling my underwear down and started eating me out



I get crazier more and more every time, I think about or see Ema. I'm not crazy, I'm just madly in love. I've been doing everything possible, just to get her attention but she always blows me off.

She WILL be mines...again.

I'm tired of the constant rejections, so I'm gonna take what I want without anyone's interferences.


I sent a few guys out a few hours, to take my..supply for me and I'm at an old abandoned house waiting for it.

"No! Let go of me!" I heard a voice yell

There my baby goes.

"Shut up!" I heard one of the guys yell

One of them finally opened the door, as the other three brought her in with a bag over her face.

"What do we do now boss?" My worker Joe asked

"Tie her hands and feet, on that chair for me." I said before taking another puff of my cigarette

They did as told, I paid them, and they left. After they left, I walked up to my baby as she was tied up with the bag still over her head.

"Hey baby." I said with a smile as I stood right infront of her

"W-What, who is this?" she asked as her voice began to tremble

"Aww babe. You already forgot my voice." I said with a smile as I slowly took the bag off her head

"D-Dwayne?" she asked shockingly

"Yes baby?" I said walking away towards my chair

"What is this?" she asked in a worried tone

"Don't be worried babe. I'll take care of you, you know how much I love you. I'm gonna do everything in my power, to make you understand that." I said as I looked into her eyes

"D-Dwayne, I'm in a relationship now and you can't ju-"

"Stop! You're in love with me, and your not in no damn relationship!" I yelled as I slam the desk causing her to flinch

"Aww I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to scare you." I said before getting up, walking towards her, then squatting down in front of her

"Ema. I love you, and you will always belong to me. I know you love me, so stop fighting it baby." I said before pecking her lips

I pulled away and stared at her with a smile, as she glared at me.

"I promise to make you happy." I said as I continued to caress her cheek

"Aren't you with Ashley. You should go back to her, because you're hur-"

"I hate Ashley. That dumb bitch has been cheating and plotting on me this whole time. That's how I know, that you were the true one for me. I'm just upset, that it took me this long to realize it." I said as my eyes started to tear up a bit

"Dwayne please stop!" she yelled in anger

"Stop what baby?" I asked in confused tone

"This Dwayne. You're acting like a crazy person, this isn't who you are." she said with a scowl on her face

"This is what love does to a person Ema. You'll understand soon." I said before kissing her cheek and standing up to walk away

She'll understand very soon.


It's been approximately six hours since I've seen or heard from Ema. Worried isn't even the word to explain how I'm feeling. She never goes 10 minutes without calling or texting me, and that's what scares me the most.

Is she ok?

Did she get caught in traffic?

Did she go somewhere far away?

I asked my self, all these questions wondering where she may be. I know that the police officers will say it has to be 24 hours, before writing a missing person report.

But at this point, I don't give a damn what ANYONE says.

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