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I was getting dressed, so I can go to Dwayne's house to talk. I'm a bit nervous, but then again I'm not because this is very necessary if we want to move foward with our relationship.

As I was putting my sneaker on, my phone rang and it was Dwayne.

"Hey." I said

"Wassup babe? You in your way?" he asked

"Yes sir. I'm just putting a pair of sneakers on." I said

"Ok bae. Hurry up." he whined

"I'm coming baby. I should be there soon." I said before laughing

"Muah." he sent a kiss through the phone

"Muah." I sent a kiss through the phone before hanging up

After gathering all me necessities, I walked downstairs,walked out of the house, and locked the door before walking towards my car.

After 30 minutes, I finally arrived in front of Dwayne's house. I stepped out the car, fixed my clothes and hair a bit, before walking towards his door and started knocking.

After a few seconds, he finally opened the door and grabbed me by my waist to get my inside the house before kissing me.

"Hey you." He said before pecking my lips again

"Hey." I said lowly

"Uh...you wanna go to my room, the kitchen, or living room?" he asked after the awkward silence

"Um..living room should be fine." I said finally looking at him

He just nodded before taking my hand and walking to the living room, with my hand in his. Then he sat me down on the couch, before sitting next to me with a small space between us.

"So...you ready to talk?" he asked

"You go first." I said after signing

"Well like I said before, I'm really sorry for the way I've been acting. I have a tendency of pushing people away, when I'm stressed or going through something. Uh...I didn't come to school that day, because I got a call that my parents were involved in a really bad accident. When I heard that, It's like my whole life just....became numb." he said before clearing his throat

"Dwayne you know I care about you babe. You can't keep things in and expect people to help you. You have to unleash sometimes, because it's not good to hide or keep your emotions to your self..especially if it's very important." I said while looking into his eyes

He just stared into my eyes, before giving me a long and lingering peck on my lip, then pulled away with a smile.

"Your right Em. I promise to try my best, to talk about my feelings instead of hiding them. It's just...I haven't really had anyone to care about my feelings or thoughts, and I've just become accustomed to dealing with my feelings to my self." he confessed

"Well...no need to fear Captain Ema is here." I said before laughing

"Wow." he said while laughing also

"Well I'm happy we got to talk about this. I'll also try to work on my self too babe. We just need to be there for eachother, and I'm sure everything will be alright." I said before rubbing his hand with my thumb

"You right baby. Thanks for not giving up on me..yet. There's alot of things that we both need to get accustomed too." he said before kissing the palm of my left hand

"C'mon baby." he said before standing up and holding both of my hand indicating for me to stand up

"Where?" I asked with a smirk

He just licked his lips before smirking, and nodded towards upstairs.

I think I deserve rounds of...licks.

We walked upstairs in silence as we held each others hand. When we arrived to his bedroom, he opened the door for me to go in first before coming in and closing the door behind him.

As soon, as I turned around Dwayne grabbed the back of my neck softly so I can be closer to him, before opening my mouth with his tongue. Our tongues wrestled with eachother, as his hand was on my ass with a firm grip.

"Mmmm." I softly moaned into his mouth

I guess that turned him on because he starting sucking on my neck hard, and I'm sure I'll have a hickie...or many.

"Ooo D-Dwayne.." I moaned louder as he sucked on the spot of my neck

"C'mere." he said softly as he walked with me to his bed

He softly laid me down. Then bent down to kiss me softly, then continued going lower as he gently took my clothes off.

My mind's telling me no, but my body is telling me HELL YES!

He pulled my shirt over my head then put it at the end of the bed, before he started kissing on my exposed skin shown on my breast. He reached under me and unclipped my bra, and put it at the end of the bed.

Then he latched his mouth around right nipple, as he gently massaged my left breast. He sucked and licked my breast, as if it was a gentle item that he wanted to protect.

"Ahhh.." i softly moaned as he pinched my left nipple as he continued to suck on my right breast

After a few minutes of sucking he tongue kissed both of my nipples, before he went lower and kissed and left hickies on my stomach. As he was kissing and sucking on the flesh on my stomach, he gently unbuttoned my pants and put his hand inside my underwear.

"A-Ahh.. B-Babyy." I loudly moaned breathlessly as he gently rubbed my clit in circles

"You like that?" he asked huskily as he looked at me as he stared kissing and leaving hickies on my hip bone

"Answer me." he demanded as he sucked harder on my hip bone

"Y-Yes." I said before gasping as I felt him enter one finger inside of me

"Ahhh.. Oh my..G-God." I moaned as he picked up the pace of his finger

"Ahhhh!" I loudly moaned as he started to vigorously suck on my clit

When did he take my pants off?

"Babyy...please c-calm down." I said trying to push his head away a little bit

He grabbed both of my wrists, and pinned them on both of my sides, as he entered his tongue inside of me.

Lawd have mercy!

"Ooooooo! D-Dwayne!" I yelled before squirting in his mouth

I instantly heard the slurping sound, of him cleaning me up.

As I tried to catch my breath, he slowly crawled back up to me to get in my face.

"Come take a seat on your throne baby." he said softly before pecking my lips and laying down on his back indicating for me to sit on his face

Jesus help me!

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