23- The "kiss"

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Pissed off and annoyed aren't even the words to describe how I'm feeling right now. I know that I shouldn't be, but damn Ema was once my girlfriend that I did and still do love and care deeply for.

We're all currently sitting at the very top of the movie theatre, with our 3D glasses on, eating and watching the movie. However, I couldn't even focus on the movie because my mind kept drifting to Ema. Thinking about all the kisses-on both lips, and it's just really hit me that I messed up terribly.

This is going to be harder, than I thought.


As we were watching the movie, I sensed someone staring at me but I never dared to look. I already know Dwayne is feeling a certain way, but I don't care. I hope he didn't expect me to be mopping around with a sad face and etc..

Hell no.

I won't lie and say that I don't feel a certain way, when I see Ashley kissing and cuddling with him but..

He's not my man anymore.

So, I'll just have to really get over it because I'll be damned if I go back to someone that did me wrong. I'm not mad or anything at Ashley, because she didn't know her "man" was triflin' to me.


In the middle of the film I felt my phone vibrate, so I unlocked it and I saw a text message from..Dwayne.

Just great.

Unknown: " So how long are you gonna continue this act?

Bish what?

"What are you talking about? And why are you texting me?"

Unknown: " Don't play games with me Ema. You know damn well that he is not your boyfriend. So, your plan to make me jealous isn't going to work."


"Dwayne, I really don't care about nothing you have to say. Don't start acting like a bitch just because I've moved on. And plus...you weren't THAT special. Please just go and continue to entertain your girlfriend."

Unknown: " Gladly. But, we both know that he isn't your man. And I bet you haven't even kissed him. So, stop playing games. Now you go entertain your "boyfriend"."

I'll show him playing.


I was so focused on the movie, and my food that I didn't even realize what was going on around me.

"Mark." I heard Ema whisper

"Wassup?" I turned to face her

As soon as I turned around she softly grabbed my chin, and gave me a sweet and tender peck on the lips. Then she started to lip my bottom lip, so I immediately opened my mouth only for her to thrust her tongue inside my mouth.

I put my nachos and cheese plate on the seat next to me, then put both of my hands on the sides of her face as our tongues wrestled.

I almost lost it when she started sucking on my tongue softly then viciously. Our heads moved back and forth, side to side to get a better feel of the kiss. My right hand massaged the middle of her hair, while my left hand softly gripped my jaw.

If she don't stop soon, she'll wake up "MJ".

"Well damn." I heard someone say

We both immediately stopped and turned to see half of the people in the movie theatre including the ones we came in with staring at us. Ema and I just looked at eachother, and turned around to watch the movie like nothing happened.

Got damn!

I don't know where the sudden kiss came from, but at this point I honestly don't give a damn.

I don't know if this "friendship", will work out.


I don't know what came over me while I was kissing Mark. It was suppose to be a simple kiss, but it really turned into something else.

Lord his lips are so....perfect.

I felt like someone was glaring at me, but obviously I know who that is already. I turned around a bit, and saw Dwayne glaring at Mark and I.

Oh well..

I felt my phone vibrate again, I unlocked it and it was..Mark.

Oh lord.

Mark: " What was that?"

I don't even know.

"I'm so sorry. I was just caught in the moment. It won't happen again."

Mark: "Oh...ok then."

Glad that went well...I think?

I honestly hope that my relationship with Mark doesn't become akward after this. The kiss was only intended to make someone leave me alone. Obviously, my intentions were misleading.

I hope we can still be good friends.


I couldn't help but feel a sense of anger coming from Dwayne, ever since Ema introduced us to her boyfriend and especially when we saw them kissing. I honestly, don't know or understand but I would like to find out.

"Are you ok babe?" I whispered into Dwayne's ear

"Of course baby. Why wouldn't I be?" he asked with a confused look and tone

"I don't know. It just seems as if something is bothering you."i shrugged

"I'm ok baby. I would've told you, if something was bothering me." he said before giving me a peck on my lips

"Alright then." i said before signing and laying my head on his shoulder and continued to watch the movie

I know he's lying. I WILL find out what's going on.

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