13-Where is he?

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I woke up while feeling kisses being places all over my face. I fully opened my eyes, and saw Dwayne staring at me.

"Hey babe." I said with a sleeply voice as I stretched a bit

"Hey baby. Did you sleep well?" he asked before he pecked my lips

"Yeah. What time is it?" i asked

"It's 9:30. I could take you home if you'd like." he said

"I drove here babe. I'll be fine." I said getting off the bed

"Alright then. I put a towel and toothbrush in the bathroom for you, incase you want to wash up a bit before going home." he said sitting up next to me

"Thanks. I'll go wash up now." i said before standing up from the bed and walking to the bathroom in his room


That moment that Ema and I just had felt so surreal and magical. Even though we didn't go the whole way, we're surely making progress towards it.

To be honest, I'm really falling for Ema. I doubt that she knows or thinks that. She's so special to me, and it's quite scary...but I love this feeling.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the bathroom door open, and Ema went to the chair to get her sweatpants and underwear.

"How you feeling babe?" I asked skeptically

"Uh...different." she said before chuckling

"How so?" I asked standing up as I walked to her

"Well I've never felt anything like that before, and it feels...great." she said before chuckling and putting her head down

I instantly cleared my throat, and she lifted her head up.

"Stop." I said before pecking her lips

"You ready to go?" I asked when I noticed she was fully dressed

"Yup." she nodded

I took my hands into hers, and we walked downstairs together. I opened the door for her, and we walked towards her car hand in hand.

We finally arrived to her car, and I instantly turned her around so she can face me.

"Thanks for the food babe." I said with her face very close to mines

"You welcome." she said lowly as she looked at my lips then eyes

"You had a good time?" I asked with a smirk

"Y-Yes." she said blushing and looking away from me

I moved her face back towards me with my index finger on her jaw, before giving her a long and sweet peck. Then, letting her face go.

"I'll see you tomorrow Dwayne." she said before giving me a peck on the cheek

"Ok baby. Text or call me when you get home." I said opening to driver's door for her

"Ok hun." she said before I closed the door

I walked backwards towards the house, and she honked after pulling out the drive way. I waved and walked back into the house.

Tonight was great.



I don't want nobody but you,

Kissing on my tattoos...

I was awakened by my alarm, meaning that it's time to get ready to go back to that hell whole again. Hopefully, with Dwyane being there it won't be such a bad day.

After getting ready, I grabbed my bag, phone, and keys before leaving the house and walking towards my car.

As I was walking my phone rang, and it was..my mother.

"Hello?" i answered skeptically

"Goodmorning baby. How are you?" she asked

"Goodmorning ma. I'm well. How are you?" I asked

"Well also honey. I know you're on your way to school, but I just wanted to call you since I finally have some free time." she said

"I'm happy to hear from you. I thought you guys forgot about me." I said honestly

"Never baby. You're father and I should be coming home soon, from the business trip." she explained

"That's good. Well I'll talk to you later mommy. I'm about to start driving." I said once I sat inside the car

"Ok baby. We love you and have a great day." she said before blowing a kiss through the phone
"I love you guys too. Good day." I said sending a kiss through the phone

We said our goodbyes, then I hung up and started driving.


I've finally arrived to the school and parked in the school parking lot. As I sat in the car, I searched for Dwayne but couldn't find him.

Maybe he's not here yet.

I took my bag, got out of the car, and started walking towards the school entrence.

As I walked through the hallways, I felt somebody staring at me and when I turned around it was...Stephanie giving me the most meanest glar ever. I ignored her, because I'm VERY used to it by now.

As I was getting my necessary items out of my locker, I still felt somebody staring. I looked back, and saw Stephanie and her clique walking towards me.

Ugh! She must want another whooping.

"Can I help you?" I asked with an attitude

"Oh so you think you're something, just because you beat me?" she asked with a smirk

"Babygirl, I was always something. It just kind off took me whooping her ass, to realize that. All I'm going to say is, what ever is stressing you don't ever take it out on me...again." I said before slamming my locker and walking away

That felt great!

I walked inside of my biology class, and went to my regular seat.

Still no sign of Dwayne.

I quickly text him, so the teacher wouldn't catch me using my phone.

"Babe are you ok? Where are you?" I texted him


It's been a whole 45 minutes in this class, and still no Dwayne or text message reply.

Hopefully, he's ok.

As I continued to do my work, I felt my phone vibrate a little bit. Since the teacher wasn't paying attention, I quickly check my phone and it was...my dad.


This isn't like Dwayne, to not text back or even worse..not show up at all.

I definitely need to pay him a visit after school.

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